fig 2.1

On the example of a functional diagram choice of a root shredder, let's consider, how it is possible to built usability tables and to solve the problem with their help.

First of all, the signs, characterising shreaders, are required to be chosen. All products , suitable for food-production, are know to be divided into theree groups: Suuculent (green and root-and-tuber crops);concentrated (grain, mineral and organic additives), and rough (stalked and branched).

Thus, the first sign is xO- worked material sign; xOl-succulent food; x02- concentrated food; x03- rough food.

The second sign is xl- sign of process kind ; xll-open-type shredder; x!2- close-type shredder. The third sign is x2-process repetition sign; x21-one-stage shredder; x22-two-stage shredder.

Then, x3 goes- constructive sign of tool shaft position; x31-horisontal; x32-vertical. Then we shall put x4-construction sign of fastening toojs on a shaft; x41- hinged;x42-fixed.

x5-sign of material feed, x51-tangencial; x52-central (axial).
õá-sign of product discnarge;x61- by means of air flow of a drum; x62- by means of air flow of a fan;x63-by means of conveyor.
x7-sign of air flow; x71-closed; x72-opened.

According to the above technique arid on the basis of these signs, the usability table (table2.2.) was composed. For example, machine ÈÑÊ-3 corresponds to functional diagram Y4=x01.xll.x21.x32.x42.x52.x61.x72=l, received from table 2.2.

Diagrammic solution of Y4 realization is given in fig.2.2.

table 2.2Table 2.2.anlysis shows parameter xO- to be a determining One. Parameters xl-x7 don't contradict each other. That's why this part of a table presents a morphological map, and theoretically "ones" can be put instead of "zeroes". From this part of the table it is also seen, that contractive realization of x!2,x452 and x63 parameters is especially hampered (small repetition).
Parameter xO can take the values , given in the table only. If in the considered example (ÈÑÊ-3) it is admitted, that for building a constructive diagram of a machine sign x02 is required to be used instead of xOl, then we'll receive Y4-0, i.e. sign x02 contradicts to signs xl-x7, as for succulent food the shredders can be of an open-type only, for concentrated - of a closed type only, and for rough -of open type mainly.

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