As any agricultural machine is a hierarchical system, a solution of one level can be a sign of another one.
In such a case a successive (iterative) method of solution is applied, and algorithm of a constructive diagram choice is described not with one, but with some particular usability tables, each of the particular tables structurally differs from described above ones only by the fact, that particular decision Y(i)j, found earlier, may occur among parameters xl,x2,...,xn.
After the constructive diagram was chosen, tool parameters, distances between centres and kinematic modes are being calculated.
Application of usability tables allows to regulate process of diagram synthesis, eliminate sources of possible errors, sets uniform language, suitable for both man and computer, which facilitates working out of corresponding hardware.
Memorize the following words and give their Russian equivalents:
Functional diagram, divided into,.building-up, definition, fulfilment, providing, admitted technological process, formalize, consider, beet-harvester, morphological maps, be specified, notions, monosemantic, sequence, carrying out, interrelated, harvester combines, earlier, haulm puck-up, pulling, digging, haulm cutting, cycle, drawback, complicated, worsened, no doubt, that's why, build, digging, separation, cleaning, transporting, consecutively, consecutive-parallel manner, equal, number diminishes, criteria, appropriate, beet harvester, digging-up wheels, auger cleaner, clod-conveyors, chain-and-slat, chain-web conveyors, to prevent, blockage, repeat, agitators, a beater, longitudinal, to achieve, revelation; appropriate, admitted criteria, usability tables, represent, discrete, a solution, a table square, empty space, impossibility, one-to-one, correspondence, shredder, shredders, succulent, green, root-and-tuber crops, grain, mineral, organic additives, rough, stalked and branched, repetition, tool shaft position, fastening, hinged, fixed, tangential, product discharge, air flow, carbamid feed, contradict, that's why, instead,, contractive realization, hampered, repetition, values, a hierarchical system, successive, differs, occur, distances, kinematic modes, application, eliminate, errors, uniform language, facilitates, corresponding, hardware.
Give English counterparts:
Функциональный, перечень, задать, принять, формализовать, однозначно, взаимосвязь, ухудшать, теребление, копка, последовательно, критерий, копач, планчатый, прутковый, затор приемлемый, дискретный, сгруппировать, невозможность, измельчитель, сетчатый, крепление, отвод, замкнутый, признак, применяемость.
Make up situations using the following questions:
l.How many stages are there in the building-up of a functional dia-
2.What is the first stage?
3.What is the second stage?
4.Name technological processes which are performed in one cycle!
5.What process is used at present?
6.What four main functions can be specified in the second machine?
7.Why is it necessary to pay special attention to building a functional diagram?
8.What operation permitted the designers to achieve high quality of a technological process in a combine KC-6?
9.Why was the method, based on usability tables, developed?
lO.How is a usability table built?
ll.What does the analysis of the table 2.2 show?
12.What does a set of decisions correspond to?
13.What is any agricultural machine?
14.What are the merits of the using of usability tables?
15. What is the main drawback of earlier produced harvester combines CK-M-3, СПТ-3, KC-3?
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