1.4.4. Test Lists.

The aim of test lists is to transmit information, considered to be expedient in the investigated designing situation to designers. In order to make our test list the required questions are provided.

Composing of test lists is divided into the following parts:

Construction evaluation: for example ,what are the main stresses in construction?

Strength evaluation: for example (what is the aim of new device introduction?

Production of details and assembly: for example, What assembly scheme is admitted for this unit? Is it possible to simplify frame production technology?

Operation and repair: for example, is the fact, that an operator wears warm clothes in winter taken into account? Is it possible to carry out a partial disassembly of a given assembly unit, without affecting other ones?

Defect analysis: for example, can this system fail without creating dangerous situation for the people?

Corrosion, microclimate: for example, with such a design moisture accumulation takes place in the points of details' connection, doesnt it?

Application of standardized and unified elements: for example, did coordination for an unified bolt-fastening with a supplier take place?

Materials: for example, is supposed material machined well?

Comparison of a given construction with analogous ones: for example, did economical evaluation of a supposed variant take place?

Answer to modern demands: for example, does the supposed element answer economical demands?

Special demands (to electrical equipment, labour protection, etc.)

Then, the compiled lists are corresponded to elaborated object and the directions of its modernization are worked out with their help. Compiling the lists it's necessary to restrict degree of detalization as its growth causes increase of time expenses and cost of work for determination of ways for machine modernization.

A test list is the most simple and rational method of idea search, having direct usefulness in solving designing problems. Usually they are made up in the cases, when the level of demands to comfortability, reliability, simplicity of operation is increased and when it is required to clear up the new level of demands.

While compiling the lists, the following difficulties can take place: