As it is seen from above example, CFA- is a designing strategy, rected on lowering of production cost at the expense of more cheap way realization of existing functions. Applying this method it is possible to re<> up average lowering of production cost for 10-20%. Usually, expense carrying out of CFA make only 10% of received economy. This method is spread abroad and is starting to be used in our country.

Translate the following words into Russian :

Cost, functional analysis, objective, CFA, effectiveness, approach, to take into account, by means of, ratio, object's use value, design expenses, to improve, to replace, to liquidate, weak points, a production cost accounting, according to, importance, dismatch zone, elaboration, a procedure plan, consider, application, manual hiller, row furrows, crops, orchards, kitchen-gardens, a weld construction, frame, tip, hook, tapered tube, wooden shank, share and hook, grade, external seam, sharp edge, share breast, cutting-in, the plant-root system, width, lip angle, thickness, plane, coincide, length, width, high, mass, requirements, expenses,-rank, furrow slice, turns, takes, resistance, offmove, soil, apart, the root layer, hand effort, tool, holder, provides, convenience, removes, into, carry out, in order to, complementary, agree, equal in importance, equal, ponderability, ranking results, cheap, applying, to reckon, average, lowering, spread.

Find English counterparts for the following :

Стоимостный, системный, изделие, экономичный, ключевой, потребительский, себестоимость, калькуляция, ранжирование, затраты, значимость, рассогласование, затраты, окучник, борозда, грядка, сварной, носик, конусный, кромка, грудь (лемеха), перерезать, поджимать, пласт, раздвигать, врезаться, ранг, прорезать, державка, матрица, весомость, рубеж, перечень, напряжение, соответствие, болтокрепеж, уводить, допущение.

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