1.5. Operation of Designing Works Strategy.
l.5.l.Evaluation of adopted decisions
Evaluation of adopted decisions is the most common and widely 1 method of expert evaluations. It allows to carry out quantitative evaluation of the variants of investigated objects. To do this work an expert group (number of experts must be odd) is selected and measurement scale is adopted- Then, objects are classified and listed according to degree of their importance (are ranked)
If it is necessary to rank "m" objects (j=l,2,3,...m), using "n" experts (i=1,2,3,...n), than rank, given to object j by an expert I, will be denoted as rji-
Ranking is performed according to the sum of collective evaluation
ranks. The factor will receive the first rank, if it'll possess the least sum of individual evaluations ranks. If objects are equal, they are given the same rank, and the ranks are called linked.
Let's consider this method on conventional example. There are 4 objects:Al,A2,A3,A4.The team of five experts is selected, every object can be estimated in the limits frpm 1 to 4.Ranking results are given in table 1.7.
Table 1.7
The methods of evaluation of adopted decisions
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