1.3.2. Sinektica.
This notion means unification of heterogeneous elements. Sinektica is a complex method of stimulating creative activity, using techniques of both "intellectual attack" and analogy/association methods.
The objective of the method is to direct spontaneous activity of brain and nervous system on investigation and transformation of a designing problem. The main creative techniques of Sinektica are the following analogues types:
- real and direct analogues; an investigated technical object is compared with similar objects in other fields of techniques and animate nature;
-corporal and personalized analogues; a person, solving a problem,
gets used to perfecting an object, tries to bring with it together and penetrate
into mechanism of its work; it promotes better understanding of a problem
and conditions of its implementation;
-abstract and symbolic analogues.
In order to use sinektic method the group consisting of 2-3 specialists invited from other organizations and representing different trades and scientific directions (notably, biology, psychology, art) and researchers from other departments of this organization, is selected. Criteri.i for selection are the following: thinking flexibility, knowledge and practical experience diapason, age of 25-40, contrasting of psychological type's, ability to join the work of already existing sinektic groups. The main rule of a sinektor is to avuid banality of thinking and to begin a discussion with investigating of a b*:ic principle of a process.
The sinectors group is given a complex problem, which the main organization could do nothing with, and some period of time for its solving The received results are examined by the main department for its evaluation and implementation.
As a result figure 1.6. demonstrates a design of a space-suit с asp, elaborated by sinectors group, using different insects' organs as analogues.
Fig.1.6. Hermetically sealed suit clasp design,
received with the help of sinektic method :
1 -wire;
2 - clasp join;
3 - rubber;
4 - intermediate spiral springs.
Though sinektica is a method, considered to be effective enough, ore often it is used at intermediate designing stages, I.e. for elaboration of problem, the reality of which is already proved, and in order to receive a decision, which will be implemented by other people.
Memorize the following words and give their Russian equivalents:
Notion, unification, heterogeneous elements, techniques, spontaneous, activity, brain and nervous system, investigation, analogues, animate nature, corporal and personalized, penetrate, promotes, better, implementation, notably, biology, psychology, art, criteria, thinking flexibility, knowledge, practical experience, diapason, to join, sinektor, avoid, banality, space-suit clasp, insects' organs, fodder-shredder, harvester combine feed chamber, feeding, to mount conveyer, feed meter, reverse, a conveyer, to mount, cutting drum, foreign objects, cutting-speed drive, cutters, sliding cutting, stock-orientation, fish-back, clearance, to do adjustment, shear plate, reciprocating motion, apparatus shaft, supports, rigidity, screw, wear-resistant, chain and slat conveyer, product discharge, proved, to receive a decision, sealed, suit clasp design, wire, clasp joint, rubber, intermediate spiral springs.
Retell the text using the English counterparts of the following expressions :
Синектика, внезапная активность, виды аналогов, символические аналоги, синектор, сложная проблема, скафандр, застежка, усовершенствованный измельчитель, измельчаемый материал, транспортер -дозатор, автоматическое реверсионное устройство, режущий барабан, улавливать, построенный предмет, вариатор, ножи на барабане, скользящее резание, гребенка, зазор, возвратно-поступательный вал, опоры, жесткость, штрек износоустойчивый, цепочно-планчатый транспортер, вентилятор, ступень.
Subjects for discussion and questions to the text:
1.What is "Sinektica"
2.Can you give the main creative techniques of "sinektica"?
3.What is the main rule of sinektors?
4.1n what cases is a "sinektors group" invited?
S.What was the basis of elaborating the clasp for a space-suit?
6.Why is sinektica used more often at intermediate designing stages?
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