1.3.1. Intellectual Attack.

Objective of an intellectual attack is to quickly generate great number of ideas, concerning designed object and its analysis.

An intellectual attack begins with stating a problem, in which two moments must be clearly formulated: what is desired to be achieved and what prevents from achieving desired results.

Then a creative group consisting of 5-7 persons, is selected. This group must contain not only the main specialists, but also accessory manufacturers (technologists, economists, suppliers), providing complex and thorough investigation of a problem.

The rule prohibiting criticism of any idea whatever "mad" may it seem, is introduced. Advancing of ideas is carried out in a form of a talk during preset period of time. Every suggestion is fixed in written form on a separate card. It was calculated, that 6 persons are advancing 150 ideas in half an hour. Designer's team, working with the help of usual methods, would never come to the idea, that the investigated problem has such a variety of aspects.

fig 1.5

Efficiency of intellectual attack method is explained by the fact that it seems to take away the social expenses put by every person for his statements during an ordinary conversation. Removing the filters at the outlet is always resulted in increasing of the number of outlet signals, i.e. decisions. Practical value of intellectual attack is just in the fact that at the initial designing stages when the structure of problem is not clear and not transformed yet, the speed of data generation related to a given problem, sharply increases. It is advisable to classify the intellectual attack results having brought them into a coordinated structure. So, not only ideas themselves but also categories that are divided into during classification process, are considered to be valuable output of intellectual attack. Revelation of practically realizable ideas out of great random variety of them is possible only after thorough investigation of a designing situation.

As a result, fig. 1.5. represents the results of intellectual attack, directed to improvement of fodder shredder of "Volgar" type.

Give Russian counterparts for:

Intellectual attack, accessory, suppliers, investigation, prohibiting, mad, suggestion, team, explained, statements, conversation, removing, outlet, the initial designing, data generator, advisable, realizable ideas, random, variety, improvement, fodder, shredder.

Find corresponding English equivalents for the following word combinations :

Мозговая постановка задачи, смежники, снабженцы, всестороннее, заданное время, бригада проектировщиков, ценность, ранний этап, структура задачи, измельчитель кормов.

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