1.2.4. Accumulation and Convolution of Information.

Accumulation and analysis of data from literature and experimental sources are aimed at filling a want which a designer has during solving a problem put before him.

Data accumulation means the personal successive extracting of information units from natural context and their insertion into some intermediate neutral medium, which can be made available to designer's organs of sense. This medium must be plastic enough to represent the datum graphically and to change them for revelation important structures in them. As the amount of received data is great enough, it is necessary to analyze, restrict and re-arrange them so, that this artificial medium reflects the real world correctly, answers the demands of a«designed object, which must be added to this world, and permits the designer to cover the general form of resulting scheme and its essential aspects.

The term "convolution" means selection of the most important information from the great number of accumulated data, and bringing them to lesser number representing the whote adequately.

Now there are two methods of data accumulation and convolution: manual and automated. Both built on the same methodical principles:

Convoluted information can be represented in table, graphic and digital forms.. The example of table information convolution is given in tablel.2.

Table 1.2

Failure classifier of bulk cooling milk tank built on eight-digit code

Place of failure origin Failure character Internal signs Origin causes Volume of work
group unit detail . . . .

UDC principle is used in the code. In order to indicate point of failure a machine is divided into 9 large units (1-9): compressor, engine, capacitor with receiver, regulating equipment, etc. Figure 0 denotes other units (power sources, guard, etc.).

Every unit is divided into 9 small units (second figure) which are, in their turn, divided into 9 small details.

According to their character, failures are divided into mechanical (1-10 for details, and 11-20-for units), physicochemical (21-40), quantitative changes of components in the system (41-60), electrical (61-80) and failures in external power sources (81-90).

Compressor stop, high temperature in an object, increased power consumption, etc. are defined as external failure signs (the sixth code figure).

Structural, technological, assembly and other failure origin causes (the seventh code figure) can't be always set at the moment of failure determination (0 is put in the code). For example, failure: "Engine compressor stator, Interferes locking, Stoppage of work. Failure cause is not determined. Aggregate replacement is required " can be coded as 240.65.105.

Automated data accumulation and convolution are carried out with the help of a computer. It covers fulfillment of all demeans of manual information "rollout-rollin" plus carrying out special points connected with computer work. They include: reservation of sufficient time for equipment adjustment, compatibility evaluation of mechanized and manual operations, creation of system of signalizing about errors caused by machine failure or operator's negligence; creation of a device for maintenance of operator's negligence; creation of a device for maintenance of specified level of system, functioning reliability during a preset service life.

Preparing a system for accumulation and convolution of information, used in the analysis of design situations, it's necessary to match up the expenses for its creation and probable results of incorrect decisions. In other words, losses of ignorance must not be greater than expenses for acquiring knowledge.

Translate the following words into Russian with a dictionary:

Convolution, aimed, filling a want, successive, extracting, natural context, be available, organs of sense, restrict, re-arrange, artificial, medium, correctly, to cover, essential aspects, lesser, representing, adequately, manual and automated, sufficient, labour-consuming, codes, graphic and digital forms, failure, bulk cooling milk tank, divides into, capacitor, equipment, denotes, power sources, guard, according to, chemical, external, assembly, replacement, fulfillment, rollout-rolling, adjustment, errors, pre-set, losses, ignorance.
Give English equivalents form :

Свёртывание, накопление, пробел, данный, некая среда, перекомпоновать, охватить взглядом, целое, автоматизированный, трудоемкая операция, предусматривать, конечный, оценивать, узел, внешний признак, объем работ, ресивер, ограждение, межфазный, приостановка, "свертка - развертка". '
Make up situations using the following questions!

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