Variants of с hose Non-selective (concrete and realistic) Selective (abstract and Utopian)
Recommendati ons Not to plan information analysis methods, until datum character is cleared up Not to accumulate datum, until it is exactly decided how to analyze and use them
Results Planning is carried out quickly, analy-sis-slowly Planning is carried out slowly, analysis can be quick, providing automatic datum machining
Longitudinal (historical and dependant of time Used, when it is unknown, what takes place and why? Collection of great data volume from each member of a small group Examples: film, video recording, sound record, observer's log. A Examples: digital magnetic tape, paper punched tape, graphic record С
Transversal (quantitative and simultaneous) Used, when it is required to specify the scale of what is going on Collection of small data volume from each member of a big group В Examples: photograph, written description, gathered samples, free interviews D Examples: questions with multiple choice of answers; digital counters; repetition count; topographic survey

Fig.1.4. Nonogram for selecting of experimental methods of getting design information

If the character a problem is not clear, the greatest methods of designers first of all must of be directed to the methods of the non-selective type (AB) and research of the longitudinal type (AC), leaung to concentration of attention on category A.

If the character of a problem is clear, designers' efforts must be directed to the choice of methods of selective type (CD), data of the selective type leading to concentration of attention on category D.

Trans/ate the following words into Russian, use them in your rendering of the text.

Library sources, predestining, set up, physical and sociological, measurement, to choose, scale, depend upon, proportional, interval, relative and absolute, multimeasuring, ordinal, rank, partially ordered, purely ordered, nominal, classifying, prepositional, indication, assumptions, continuity of categories, dependencies, assumed, magnitude, prescribed, connected, criteria, shoulder, blades, ribs, lumbar, vertebrae, sacral, coaxial parts, buttocks, hips, tractor, sensation, of contact, freezing, dull, ache, sharp pain, restricting, mistakes and lowering, revelation, visual, perfection, models, photo, causes, elimination, exploiting, mapped, applied, according, revised, application, necessity, a motor-scooter, accumulation, fixation, analogical, scale, imitative, nature-like, natural-imitative, artistic mental, deterministic, stochastic, topo-logical, probabilistic, heuristic, gathered, improved, conformity, reflect, depend on, objectives, singled out, successive states, reproducing, external actions, random factors, application, essentially, extracting, environment, notably, take into account, to estimate, influence, systemic, elimination, leads, replacement, serviceability, filling stations, repair depot, expensive, potentialities, advantageous, doubts, correctness, consequences, interrelations, setting, feedback, adopted, interviewing, investigated, impel, user, investigated problem, basic and side conclusions, is of great use, accumulated, permit, conclusions, adopted, estimated, questioning, to determine, to identify, preliminary, prepared, accumulated, conclusions, selective, concrete, realistic, qualitative, to choose, non-selective, longitudinal, attention, digital magnetic tape, sound record, paper punched tape, observer, graphic record, traversal, quantitative, simultaneous, repetition, survey, attention.

Find corresponding English equivalents for the following words:

Предпроектный, проектный, существенная переработка условия, эксплуатация, анализ конструкции, наполнение, модель, макет масштабный, биологическая естественно имитационная модель, детерминированная и деформированная модель, вероятностный, топологический, матричный, модель случайного поиска, модель массового обслуживания, сельскохозяйственная машина, функционально-целевое назначение, пригодность, ремонтная база, натуральные испытания, "язык задачи", обратная связь, социологические методы, анкета, пробная анкета, конкретный, реалистический, исследование продольного типа, номограмма, повторяемость, топографическая съемка, магнитная лента, цифровые счетчики.

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