1.2.2. Bibliographic Way of Receiving Information.
After specification of design aims and tasks, the next stage, collection of information, suitable for future design, begins.
Literature sources are the main kinds of information. Beginning to work with them, it is necessary to determine the type of edition, where the required information can be published. Then in order to minimize the cost of search, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate methods of searching literature. It is necessary to foresee time for giving information out and to estimate both choice of sources and usefulness of received data.
All published information contains four main funds: physical phenomena and effects, the examples of solving technical contradiction (heuristic technique); the examples of solving "standard" inventive problems, complementary funds.
Information about physical effects is distributed through many specialized editions and it is very difficult to follow it. In order to use both old and new physical effects in designing new techniques more fully, the fund of physical phenomena and effects is created at the design offices and enterprises. This fund briefly describes every physical effect, its characteristic features, known ways of application and possible combinations with other effects. The fund of physical effects and phenomena can be supplemented by the examples of its use in that domain of technique, in which the given enterprise specializes. It is done with the help of patent office and information services.
Fund of examples of solving technical contradiction is used in search and liquidation (fuller partial) of technical contradiction (for example, increase of bearing load is connected with decrease of its operating resource. Solving the problems of this type, designer tries either to liquidate the contradiction with the help of analysis of prototype drawbacks, or to use similar approach known in another domain of engineering or in nature. The desired technical design and method of its receiving are the result of this work. Accumulated methods and rules of solving creative engineering tasks (GET) are called heuristic methods (HM). Interbranch fund has a universal character and is oriented for different fields of engineering.
As the analysis of big information masses showed, the whole diversity of searching tasks on perfection of technical objects can be brought to a restricted circle of tasks on solving contradictions. In all branches of techniques these contradictions are mainly solved by means of some dozens of methods. They are called Inventive Problems Solving Algorithm (IPSA). The combination of methods, appropriate for solving definite problems, are brought to the fund of methods of solving standard inventive problems. Complementary funds for solving problems contain the following: funds of usage of new materials; the list of enterprises "leading" in solving definite class of problems; standards; reference books; articles in specialized magazines; monographs; manuals.
The effectiveness of information search depends on the accuracy of problem statement and the correct definition of a sphere of search.
Let's consider it on a concrete example. A team of designers has the following problems:
1.For designing a milking installation /M/ it is necessary to determine cattle /C/ body sizes.
2.It is necessary to substantiate a minimum width of garage for one
3.It's necessary to determine the ways of solving the problem concerning increase of comfortableness of seat of a combine-operator.
Analysis shows that there is no visible contradiction between the first two problems that's why it is better to look for necessary sources in the complementary funds. But solving the third task it is advisable to use not only complementary funds, but also HM and IPSA. Table l.l.shows the results of this search. The list of sources, given in it, corresponds to the order of their search and to the work with experts.
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