1.2. Investigation of design situation.

1.2.1. Formulating of Designing Tasks.

The objective of this stage is to get the characteristics of environmental conditions the supposed object will be functioning in and elaborating of demands to it. After estimating conditions and elaborating demands to the object, the main task is to provide compatibility of demands and conditions.

Usually the general view of the task for Agricultural Machine (AcM) designing look like the following: to design a machine carrying out the required functions and providing excellent quality, small power consumption, low expenses and good reliability and labour conditions for an operator. However this task is too general and contradictory for a designer, that is why it is being specified in future. This process is going on in two stages.

At the first stage, specification, permitting to formulate the design objective more accurately, takes place. This stage consists of the following steps:

1. Description of problematic situation, containing answers to the following questions: What is the problem itself and its prehistory? What must be done to liquidate such a situation? What demand must be answered? What prevents from liquidating such a situation and achieving a definite task? What does solving of this task give people, enterprise and economy on the whole?

2. Description of the object's purpose. It must contain short and strict characteristic of a technical means, capable of satisfying a given demand.

3.Choice of a prototype and composing of a demands' list. As world models or in the case of absence of analogues, the best machines in the leading class of machine building (automobiles, airplanes) are taken.

4.Composing of the list of prototype drawbacks. Performing this operation for each prototype, it is necessary to indicate the following: criteria of the object's development, parameters, which do not correspond to the main formulated functions of an object; the factors, hamperring the usage of a prototype or lowering its effectiveness; the parameters, which are desired to be improved. According to degree of importance this list of drawbacks must be put in order, this work being one of the n.ain objectives of solving a given task.

5. The best way of presenting a preliminary task formula is to do it in the form of "given" or "demanded". Such complex gives a complex and clearly imagined idea of the task and promotes productive work.

At the second stage (elaboration of documents) current specification of the same points, based on constant concretization of decisions, takes place. From the list of prototype drawbacks, the ones, connected with the criteria of object's development, are chosen. RFP, setting up the main purpose, technical data, quality indices, economic specifications, special requirements to the designed product and network of solving a given task must become the result of formulating and refining of a design problem. RFP for designing agricultural machines is an initial adopted document, coordinated by customer and executor.

Refining of problem, elaboration of RFP and the network require definite means. However they are always paid off, as they are incompatibly small with the means for alteration of a design, which takes place if RFP is formulated incorrectly.

Find Russian equivalents for the following words.

The objective, to provide, compatibility, looks like, carrying, excellent quality, power consumption, low expenses, reliability, contradictory, that is why, at the first stage, permitting, accurately, consists of, prehistory, to liquidate, demand, prevents, achieving, enterprise, on the whole, contain, technical means, indicate, criteria, correspond, hamper, effectiveness, according to degree of importance, preliminary task, promotes, current specification, prototype drawbacks, setting up, technical datum, quality indices, network, refining, initial, customer and executor, incompatibility, incorrectly.

Find English equivalents for the following words:

Высокое качество, "дано", "требуется", заказчик, исполнитель, окупаться, ничтожно мало, назначение объекта, недостатки, требования, упорядочить, уточнить; итог формулирования, технические характеристики, качество изделия, промежуточный язык библиотечных классификаций, энциклопедия, ключевые слова, фонды, эксперты, библиографы, накопление, алгоритмы решения изобретательских задач.

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