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2.2.      Test ¹2



1. Upgrading your microprocessor

Another hardware upgrade touted in the computer magazines is the microprocessor upgrade. It's not hard to do: The microprocessor slides or clips into a socket. Most computers are designed that way. In general, upgrading your microprocessor isn't recommended, though, for several reasons: Cost: When your dealer buys microprocessors to plug into his computers, he buys them by the truckload. He gets a discount; you don't. You pay top dollar for a new microprocessor, which can be a several-hundred-dollar premium for the current top-of-the-line model.Spending your money on a memory upgrade may give you better results anyway. Compatibility: Although the new microprocessor may plug into the old one's slot, is the computer's circuitry geared to work with it? Motherboards are designed around specific microprocessors running at specific speeds. Although the new one may function, it may be crippled or inhibited by the older circuitry on the motherboard. What's the point of having a faster microprocessor when it has to slow down to access your computer's old memory?

Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. The microprocessor upgrade is never advised by magazines.

2. Upgrading your microprocessor isn't suggested for some reasons.

3. It’s better not to waste your money on the microprocessor upgrade.

4. Motherboards are designed around standard microprocessors running at standard speeds.

5. A faster microprocessor never slows down to access your computer's old memory.


2. Find the words in the text that mean:

1. computer equipment

2. a reduction in the price of something

3. happening or existing now

4. the fact that different pieces of computer equipment and software can be used together

5. the main circuit board in a computern

6. to get information, especially from a computer

3. Complete the text with the words in the box.

software upgrading operating compatible version money

Upgrading your operating system

The best way to get the next 1_____________ of an operating system is to wait until you need to buy a new computer. The new version comes installed on that computer. Otherwise, you risk a great deal by 2_______________your current operating system - primarily, that some of your older software may not be 3_____________, which would force you into paying lots of 4_____________for upgrades. You may eventually encounter new 5_________________ that requires the newest operating system. Traditionally, however, that doesn't happen until the new 6________________system is about two years old.


4. Write a short paragraph about pictures, music and videos on the Internet. Use the following ideas to help you. Add any other ideas you may have.

• upgrades are inexpensive

• upgrade often solves a number of problemss

• you can upgrade or replace any of its components at any time

• what you upgrade first depends on your needs

• just about everything in your computer can be upgraded

• bad design