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2.1      Tests ¹1



1. My Pictures, My Videos

Digital photography has become an increasingly popular way to create and view images, and the Media Center is the ultimate photo album. The first step is storing your photos in the My Pictures folder. You can keep track of your photos with folder previews and display your pictures as full-screen images or a slide show. You can even set your images to music by choosing a playlist in My Music, then creating a slide show in My Pictures, and combining the two. As for moving pictures, My Videos lets you save home movies and other videos to your hard drive and organize them as part of a digital media library. Using Windows Movie Maker, you can edit your videos, which can then be viewed with Windows Media Player. If you want to watch the Media Center comes equipped with a DVD drive. The system's remote can be used with DVDs as well as My TV. Prices will vary by manufacturer. And the different companies will make different-size screens. That helps make the Media Center a more personal product.

Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. Digital photos have become less popular.

2. You can make your pictures full-screen.

3. My Videos allows you save movies to floppy disks.

4. You can edit your videos with Windows Media Player and view them with Windows Movie Maker.

5. The system’s remote can be used both with DVDs and My TV.


2. Find the words in the text that mean:

1. to make something new

2. to put something in a particular place on a computer screen

3. a list of all the pieces of music

4. to make changes to a file

5. the flat surface on a computer where words and pictures are shown

6. done by a person directly, used about things you don’t share with anyone else

3. Complete the text with the words in the box.

formats computer select technology search features

My Music

Many of you already use your 1____________ to maximize your musical experience. The Media Center, however, makes managing your tunes even easier. The My Music 2______________ are built on the Windows Media Player 3______________ . You can listen to CDs or play music files in many different 4_______________ including MP3, CD and Windows Media Audio. A simple key-word 5______________ finds the songs you want. One of my favorite features is shuffling, which lets you mix up and play music that you can 6_____________ by artist, album or genre.


4. Write a short paragraph about pictures, music and videos on the Internet. Use the following ideas to help you. Add any other ideas you may have.

• can get all the music want

• no pay for music and videos

• a lot of new and modern things

• bad design

• silly sounds files

• bad design