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1. Read, write and translate the following sentences using the dictionary: Managers and executives: UK

All the directors together are the board. They meet in the boardroom.

Non-executive directors are not managers of the company; they are outsiders, often directors of other companies who have particular knowledge of the industry or of particular areas.

The marketing director is the head of marketing, the IT director is the head of IT, etc. These people head or head up their departments. Informally, the head of an activity, a department or an organization is its boss.

An executive or, informally, an exec, is usually a manager at quite a high level (for example, a senior executive).

In the US, the top position may be that of chairman, chairwoman or president. This job is often combined with the position of chief executive officer or CEO. Some companies have a chief operating officer to take care of the day-to-day running of the company. The finance director may be called the chief financial officer. In the US, senior managers in charge of particular areas are often called vice presidents (VPs).

2. The Board of Directors

Complete the text using these verbs and translate it:

appointed attacked combined defined
constituted reviewed supervised supported

Large British companies generally have a chairman of the board of directors who oversees operations, and a managing director (MD) who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company. In smaller companies, the roles of chairman and managing director are usually (1)…….. Americans tend to use the term president rather than chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) instead of managing director. The CEO or MD is (2)………. by various executive officers or vice-presidents, each with clearly (3)…………. authority and responsibility (production, marketing, finance, personnel, and so on).

Top managers are (4) …………. (and sometimes dismissed) by a company's board of directors. They are (5)……………and advised and have their decisions and performance (6)………….. by the board. The directors of private companies were traditionally major shareholders, but this does not apply to large public companies with wide share ownership. Such companies should have boards (7)................ of experienced people of integrity and with a record of performance in a related business and a willingness to work to make the company successful. In reality, however, companies often appoint people with connections that will impress the financial and political milieu. Yet a board that does not demand high performance and remove inadequate executives will probably eventually find itself (8)………………. and displaced by raiders.

3. Top Management

Complete the text using the correct form of these verbs and translate it::

achieve allocate balance deal with develop
employ establish follow require set

The top managers of a company (1)…. have to objectives and then develop particular strategies that will enable the company to (2)……them. This will involve (3) the company's human, capital and physical resources. Strategies can often be sub-divided into tactics - the precise methods in which the resources attached to a strategy are (4)

The founders of a business usually establish a "mission statement" - a declaration about what the business is and what it will be in the future. The business's central values and objectives will 5)..............from this. But because the business environment is always changing, companies will occasionally have to modify or change their objectives. It is part of top management's role to (6).............. today's objectives and needs against those of the future, and to take responsibility tor innovation, without which any organization can only expect a limited life. Top managers are also expected to set standards, and to (7)……human resources, especially future top managers.

They also have to manage a business's social responsibilities and its impact on the environment.

They have to (8) and maintain good relations with customers, major suppliers, bankers, government agencies, and so on. The top management, of course, is also on permanent stand-by to (9)…….major crises.

Between them, these tasks (10) ....many different skills which are almost never found in one person, so top management is work for a team. A team, of course, is not the same as a committee: it needs a clear leader, in this case the chairman or managing director.

4.Choose the best word from the brackets ( ) to fill the gap.

1. Our sales manager heads................a department of 40 people, (out/off/up) 2. I work in accounts and Tina is my manager, (line/head/over) 3. I work for Franz and I think he is the best I've ever had. (boss/executive/director) 4. I was in management for 10 years before I became a director. (medium/middle/vice) 5. Tanya Minelli is Marketing at Global Foods in New York. (VP/COO/CFO) 6. She's the only woman here who has a executive position. (higher/chief/senior)

5. Find a word related to each clue. The first letter is given in each case.

1. Where company directors hold their meetings 2. Head of a company in the US 3. What 'F’ stands for in CFO 4. Another term for the chief executive: Managing

6. Draw an organigram of the mamagement structure of Universal Software. Match the people (1-8) with their positions (A-K).

A -Chairperson; B-Non-Executive Directors; C-Director of Finance; D-IT Director; E-Marketing Director; F-Human Resources Director; G-Director of Research; H-Accounts Manager; I-Production Manager; J-Sales Manager; K-Customer Service Manager. 1.I’m Marco Alatri and I’m the director responsible for the company budgets and accounts. 2.I’m Tom Scott. I’m not actually a manager at Universal, but I do sit on the board. 3.My name is Helen Good. I’m CEO and I also chair the board. 4.My name’s Carla Jelinek. I’m in charge of the company’s information system. 5.I’m Dan Matthews. My team develops new products and tests them. 6.I’m Karine and my team deals with calls from the public… and complaints! 7.I’m Alex Tait and I’m responsible for company recruitment and staff development. 8.My name is Patrick Aubaile and I report to the CFO.

7. Who are the most famous bosses in your country? Which companies do they head?