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1. ËÀÁÎÐÀÒÎÐÍÀß ÐÀÁÎÒÀ ÏÎ ÒÅÌÅ «MONEY MATTERS» Read, write and translate the following words using the dictionary:

Demand, aid, alimony, allowance, bargain, barter, bid, blackmailer, bribe, buck = dollar, cashier, checkable deposit, checking account, coinage, consumption, convertibility, cost of living, credit card, currency, current account, debit card, deflation, demand deposits, devaluation, discount, dividend, down payment, durable, exchange value, exorbitant prices, expenditure, fare, fee, fiat money/paper money, fraud, free of charge, frugal/economical/thrifty, hard up, income, income tax, increments, inflation, inheritance, installment, interest, interest rate, intrinsic value, invoice, legacy, legal tender, liquidity, managed currency, means of payment, medium of exchange, monetary unit, money circulation, mortgage, near money, net profit, on credit, overdraft, penalty, pocket money, premium, purchasing power, quid = pound, to ransom, to rebate, reduction, refund, return, sale, savings, scarce goods, share, standard of value, subsidy, time deposit, to be broke/bankrupt, to be in the black, to be in the red, to borrow, to deposit money, to inherit, to invest money, to lend, to pay off, to redeem, to save money, to squander, to tackle, to withdraw money, token coin, transaction, turnover of money, unemployment benefit

1. Match each item in Column A with the items in Column B. A. B.
1. checking account
2. debit cards
3. thrift institutions
4. near moneys
5. Ml
a.assets that can be turned into money relatively easily and without risk of loss
b.money deposited in a bank that a person can withdraw at any time by writing a check
c.mutual savings banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions
d.narrowest and simplest definition of the money supply
e.automatic withdrawal of money from an account for a purchase

2. Give the names for the defined money expressions.

1. An amount of money which you lend to someone.

2. A sum of money which is owed to someone.

3. Money which is in the form of coins and notes, not cheques.

4. Tax on imported articles paid to the customs.

5. Extra percentage paid on a loan.

6. Money paid for professional services, e.g. to a doctor.

7. Money paid by divorced father to his former wife for the upkeep of his children.

8. Money paid as punishment for breaking the law.

9. Money paid to the government for services that the state provides.

10. Money received from someone in his or her will.

11. Money which a building society or bank lends to someone to buy a house.

12. A fixed amount which is paid usually monthly to workers of higher rank.

13. An amount of money you receive usually weekly in return for labour or service.

14. Paid while traveling, especially on public transport, buses, train, etc.

15. Paid at a restaurant after eating

3. Match each item in Column A with the items in Column B.

1. We have a high expenditure.a. We want a rise.
2. We are very thrifty.b. We lend money.
3. We let people borrow from us.c. We earn a lot.
4. We earn according to what we sell.d. We have to haggle.
5. We argue about the price.e. We have a nice little nest-egg
6. We have a high income.f. We spend a lot.
7. We need higher wages.g. We are in debt.
8. We owe money.h. We don't waste money.
9. We have some savings.i. We are paid on commission.

5. Choose the correct answer.
1. The going for the job is $7 an hour.
a) pay b) price c) rate d) wage

2. When you buy a house you can claim tax on the mortgage.
a) aid b) assistance c) benefit d) relief

3. Mr. Teenager's will be held in trust for him until he is 21. Then he will be free to spend it.
a) dowry b) heirloom c) heritage d) inheritance

4. When the company was declared bankrupt, all its fixed…….were claimed by its credi- tors.
a) assets b) benefits c) funds d) sums

5. Our country has never had a large in its balance of payment.
a) abundance b) addition c) overflow d) surplus

6. Miss Cheating is in trouble because she has not paid her National Insurance years
a) contributions b) subscriptions c) subsidies d) tributes

7. Because Mr. Sacked has just lost his job, his aunt's legacy came as a useful
a) advantage b) benefit c) profit d) windfall

8. If you don't complete your income tax , you may have to pay more than is necessary.
a) account b) document c) report d) return

9. As a result of increased productivity, the workers received a…..pay increase.
a) fundamental b) palpable c) substantial d) tangible

10. For some jobless people, joining the queue is a humiliating experience.
a) benefit b) dole c) grant d) ration

6. Choose the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

1. I haven't got enough money,I'm afraid.Could you borrow/lend me some?
2. It's a good school, but the fares/fees are rather high.
3. This car is too expensive. We can't afford/pay it.
4. It was a very good meal. Can we have the account/bill please?
5. There's a small flat to hire/let in Bridge Street.
6. How much do you earn/gain in your new job?
7. She's a good dentist, but she doesn't charge/spend' too much.
8. I bought this coat in the sales. It was decreased/reduced a lot.
9. Jack made his fortune/treasure buying and selling property.
10. How much do you reckon/value that house would cost?

7. Match the definitions with the correct money word

1. an allowance
a. money paid to authors or investors according to the sales of their work

2. a bonus
b. a sum of money used to make more money from something that will increase in value

3. commission
c. the money which a building society or bank lends to someone to buy a house

4. a deposit
d. the money that a person pays to an insurance company to pro¬tect against loss or damage

5. a dividend
e. money, usually from a relative, to live on

6. an investment
f. an additional payment which is a reward to those who work for a company for their extra work

7. a legacy
g. the amount of money borrowed from a bank, greater than that which is in your account

8. maintenance
h. money received from someone in his or her will

9. an overdraft
i. the amount of money that goes to a shareholder

10. a premium
j. money paid by divorced or separated people to support the former husband or wife

11. royalties
k. part of the value of a company that you may buy

12. a share
1. part-payment of money which you make to stop the seller from selling his goods to others

13. a mortgage
m. an amount of money, related to the value of goods sold, which is paid to a salesman for his services

8. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. I'm really looking forward to spending my pension.
2. The cost of living seems to go up every day.
3. Shops all over the country are making huge reductions on just about everything.
4. I always seem to run up a huge overdraft at the bank.
5. Fortunately I receive unemployment benefit.
6. There is a very uneven distribution of wealth.
7. The interest they pay me is much higher.
8. It's the first time I've inherited something.
9. It seems to be some kind of tax rebate.
10. Maybe I should consider getting one on credit.
9. Agree or disagree with the following statements (choose one):
a. Money is more than cash.
b. Be neither a borrower nor a lender.
c. Money makes the world go round.