fig 2.19

Comparing advantages and drawbacks of axial and radial kinds of assembly, we see, that axial assembly is expedient to be used in the cases, when in order to create strong and light construction we can agree to some operational inconveniences.

If construction mass is of small importance and if raised production cost is permitted for the sake of convenience of assembly and operation, then radial assembly is applied.

Sometimes assembly system i? unambiguously preset by unit design. So, for stationary rotor machine, mounted on foundation, axial assembly system can't be applied due to operational considerations: in order to inspect internal mechanisms a machine is required to be removed from foundation. Here only radial or mixed assembly is available, if a construction, similar to the one, shown at fig. 2. 19., can be created.

In assembly of multicylinder crankshafts it is practically impossible to apply axial assembly due to shaft configuration and assembly conditions of split connecting rod ends.

There are limitations for this kind of assembly in the other classes of machines too (turbines, propeller shafts, etc.).

Memorize the following words and give their Russian equivalents',

A"ial assembly, radial, mixed one, butt planes, perpendicular, to be solid, shaft, aligned, advantages of, moulded, feeding of cutting tools, rigidity, sealed, disadvantages, assembly of unit is complex, axial, clearances, difficult, due to, shaft, special devices, raising of accuracy, to disassemble, in radial assembly, transversal, longitudinal axes, joint, transversal bolts, register pins, radial assembly, taking off, expose, mounted, inconvenient, control pins, geared transmission, gear-shaft, plain bearing, rigidity, slacking, sealed, figured plane, cylindrically of internal machined surfaces, lap, sealing, mixed assembly, in order, resulting construction is rigid, gear wheel shaft, gear wheels, fit on, hoops of wheels, gear-box, one-step reduction gear-box, gear wheel shafts, advantages and drawbacks, axial and radial kinds, expedient, agree, operational inconveniences, construction mass, for the sake of, assembly system, unambiguously, precept, unit design, stationary rotor machine, in order to inspect, internal mechanisms, crankshafts, split connecting rod ends, turbines, propeller shafts.

Find English counterparts for the following words:

Сельскохозяйственное машиностроение, осевая, радиальная, смешанная, осевое направление, сборка плоскости, продольная ось, конструкция, корпус, крышка, преимущество, вводить, фиксация, литая деталь, обрабатываемая поверхность, подвод, обработка, производится, непрерывный, цилиндрическая поверхность, скоростная обработка, высокая жесткость, стадия, регулировка, полости, уплотняются, подшипник, элемент, ступень, демонстрация, предыдущие, поперечный, плоскость, втулка, укладывают, корпус, штифт, регулирование, обнажается, внутренность, открытый способ, относительный, редуктор, сложный, недостатки, преимущества, прочный, эксплуатация, агрегат, стационарная, коленчатый вал, многоцилиндровый поршневой цилиндр.

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