2.6.2. Kinds of assembly.

In agricultural machine-building three kinds of assembly are used: axial assembly, radial and mixed one. In axial assembly parts of assembly unit (AU) are assembled in axial direction. In this kind of assembly butt planes are perpendicular to longitudinal axis. Fig.2.17. presents as the simplest example construction of AU with such kind of assembly. Body and its cover, and also bearing bushes, mounted into them, are solid. Shaft is introduced into body in axial direction and fixed by cover, aligned relative to body by means of cylindrical bead.

Advantages of axial assembly are the following:
- construction of base members is simple and allows to make them molded; machining of this.details is rather convenient. Machined surfaces are opened for view, available for feeding of cutting tools, and are easily applied; as machining is made on continuous cylindrical surfaces, methods of high speed machining can be applied for details production;
-entire construction possess high rigidity; internal spaces are well sealed.

Disadvantages of axial assembly are the following:
-assembly of unit is complex; testing and adjustment of axial clear ances is difficult, especially due to the fact, that at all assembly stages, up to final one, shaft is fixed only in one bearing; proper clearances can be kept by means of either special devices, or raising of accuracy of carrying out axial dimension of construction elements;
- inspection of internal parts is difficult; in order to open any step it is necessary to disassemble all previous ones.

fig 2.17 and 2.18
Fig 2.17. Construction of AU
with geared transmission with
axial assembly: 1- body;
3- gear-shaft;
4- plain bearing; 5- cover;
6- bolt; 7-washer
Fig 2.18. Construction of AU
with radial assembly:
1- body;
2- cover;
3- gear-shaft;
4- plain bearing;
5- cover

In radial assembly all parts of AU are connected in transversal (radial) direction. Butt planes pass though longitudinal axis, Construction of AU with radial kind of assembly is shown at fig. 2. 18. Body and bushes are carried out with joint in longitudinal axis. Shaft is put into one of bodies halves and is covered by another one. Halves of body are contracted by transversal bolts and are fixed one relative to another by register pins.

Advantages of radial assembly are the following: Disadvantages of a given an kind of assembly are the following:

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