For some categories of machines, working on liquids or gases (hydraulic presser air and steam-air hammers, pneumatic and hydraulic drives) considerable reduction of sizes and mass can be obtained by increase of pressure of working liquid (gas), das pressure in internal combustion engines can be increased up to a definite limit (by application of supercharging or increase of compression degree), which allows to reduce volume of cylinders or to increase power at a preset working volume.
In some cases, for example, in machines- energy generators, reduction of mass can be obtained by means of increase of rotational speed. This method has its own restrictions. So in internal combustion of engines growth of rotational speed is limited by growth of section speed, accompanied by breathing drop or reduction of engine power. In steam and gas turbines growth of rotational speed requires corresponding growth of leaking speed of a working liquid, which causes growth of internal losses. Moreover, dynamic stress leveled wear of machine is increased.
The characteristics of the units-power loads must be taken into account too. If rotational speed of a unit-load is preset, then increasing rotational speed of a machine generator it is necessary to install a reduction gear, which increases total machine mass. That's why , careful approach and thorough analysis of positive and negative sides of rotational mass is required. In large sizes units considerable reduction of mass and simplification of drive may be obtained by decentralization of drive by means of replacement of mechanical gears by individual electric and hydraulic drives. Application of the methods, described above, side by side with "compact packing" allows to gain considerable profit in overall dimensions and mass and to increase carrying capacity of a construction with the same sizes.
Retell the text using the following words:
Inversion, coincidence, procedures, plot, inversions, assembly units and sets, to make a driving detail, a driven one, directing, directed one, covering, covered, stationary, mobile, it is expedient, to invert shapes of details, to replace an external cone by an inner one, key - to hub, lever pin - to pusher, camshaft design, inversion diagram, rocker pin, pusher plate, to consider advantages and drawbacks, convenience, inalienable tool of brain, facilitates, coincidence, reduction of sizes and mass of construction, gear-block, fitted gear-wheels, mounted, continuation of a gear-shaft tooth, promotes, cam, to act upon, rocker, pusher, over-all dimensions, inertial, force-dosure, preferable, compression, lead to growth, cone gearing, irrational, clutch, aligned reduction, a flange motor, axial, reduction gear, causing, complementary, torque, reduces, rod, ratios of stroke, improvement, air and stream-air hammers, energy, generators, rotational speed, restrictions, internal combustion engines, breathing drop or reduction of engine power, steam and gas turbines, leaking speed, working liquid, internal losses, stress level, wear of machine, careful approach, through analysis, obtained by decentralization, by means of, mechanical gears, electric and hydraulic drives, compact packing, carrying capacity.
Give English equivalents for the following:
Техника компоновки, инверсия, совмещение функций, уменьшение числа звеньев, выбор силовой схемы, рациональные параметры, поменять ролями, ведущая деталь, направляющий, охватывающий, неподвижный, наружный конус, внутренний, выпуклый, сферическая поверхность, вогнутый, шпонка, ступица, рычаг, толкатель, приобретать свойства, исходный, инвертированный вариант, учет прочности, неотъемлемый инструмент, совмещение, функции, уменьшить, блок шестеренок, насадные зубчатые колеса, вал шестерни, колеса, продолжение зуба вала - шестерни, шейка, снижение, коромысло, кулачковый привод, кулачок, инерционные нагрузки, замыкание сил, протяженность, нагруженный участок, масса инерции, сила инерции.
Силовая схема, восприятие, замыкание, короткий участок, роторная машина, редуктор, коническая шестеренчатая передача, электродвигатель обычный, фланцевый электродвигатель, валы, соосный редуктор, габариты установки, силовой поток, параллельные ветви, каскадные передачи, многосателлитные, планетарный, редукторы- сумматоры, муфты, центральная шестерня.
Выбор параметров, рабочий орган, нагрузка, прочность, габаритные размеры, цилиндр, поршень, шатун, разделение потока мощности, нагруженные передачи, стенки цилиндра, коротко ходовые схемы, несущие способности поршня, смазка, подбор материала цилиндра, работающий, жидкость, газ, гидравлический пресс, воздушный, паровоздушный молот, пневматический, гидравлический привод, увеличение давления, двигатель внутреннего сгорания, наддув, степень сжатия, объем цилиндра, машины-генераторы, ограничения, скорости всасывания, сопровождающий, паровые газовые турбины, проточная скорость, вызывающий рост внутренних потерь, динамическая направленность, износ, агрегаты-потребитель энергии, частоты вращения, редуктор, крупногабаритный агрегат, децентрализация привода, цепи управления, системы регулируемых электроприводов, сплошная упаковка.
Questions to the text:
1.What are the most Wide spread procedures of arrangement tech
2.As we know, in units it is sometimes possible to change rotes of'
details, please, give some examples! And what is the technique called?
3.Why does a construction acquire new properties each time? What
are they?
4.Do you agree that the inversion method is an inalienable tool of
brain? Why?
5.Give examples when coincidence of construction functions is ap
6.Is there direct dependence between, for example, trie reduction of
a unit weight and the reduction of the number of links?
7.Compare section hi of a body in the first construction witii section
hi in the second construction!
8.What does rationality of a construction largely depend upon?
9.When is power circuit design considered to be rational?
10.Look at Fig 2. H! What does it demonstrate? Compare
11.How can rational power circuit designs be obtained? Give exam
12.What is the rational choice of machine parameters based on?
Analyze fig.2.15 and prove why considerable profit in sizes and masses
13.How can considerable reduction of sizes and mass be obtained
for machines working on liquids or gases?
14.Speak about reduction of mass by means of the increase of rota
tional speed Are there any restrictions in the way of using this method?
15.What allows to gain considerable profit in dimensions and mass
and to increase carrying capacity of a construction?
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