2.4. Standardization.
Standard is the best compulsory solution of the task, concerning quality of subjects of labour, means of labour and products, methods of their production and testing and also means of their connection. Standards are divided into the following groups: standards for technical conditions (specifying 'dimensions, characteristics of material, mass, quality of surface); standards for technological processes and standards for general norms and requirements. Standardization is a generality of all procedures, concerning elaboration, application, testing and revision of standard.
Find Russian equivalents for the following words:
Standard, compulsory solution, concerning, quality, subjects of labour, means of labour, means of their connection, divided into, specifying, characteristic, technological processes, general norms, requirements, procedures, elaboration, application, revision.
Find corresponding English equivalents for the following word combinations:
Стандарт, обязательный, решение, повторяющийся, касающийся, качество, средства, изделие, метод, изготовление, проверка, связь, стандарт, технические услсаия, качество поверхности, характеристика материала, технологические процессы, стандарты на общие нормы и требования, стандартизация, мероприятия, касающихся, разработки, применение, проверка, переработка.
Subjects for discussing and questions to the text
1.What is a standard?
2.What groups are standards divided into?
3.What is standardization?
2.4.1. Kinds of Standards.
White working a designer is required to constantly follow the existing national and international standards and to take their demands into account while elaborating a product.
National standards are considered to be the following:
-Standards of the USSR, marked by symbol GOST and digital num
-branch standards with symbol OST and italicized numerical or or
dinal number of a branch;
-standards of enterprises, marked by different symbols of enter
prises (STP). Standards of enterprises are produced in order to rationally solve
the manufacturing tasks if corresponding GOSTs and OSTs are absent Differ
ent STPs do not to contradict each other.
International standards are considered to be the following:
-recommendations of ISO (International Organization for Standardi
-CMEA standards, elaborated by constant CMEA commission for
-national standards of socialist countries;
-standards of other countries, having recommendational and infor
mational character. Their application is provided by corresponding treaties.
In cooperation with socialist countries the complex of standards of CMEA countries - United System of Designing Documents - was elaborated. This system was created and improved on the basis of national standards, CMEA standards, recommendations of ISO and CMEA (the united elaboration of both plot and form of the document was envisaged; these documents being the following: technical drawings, schemes of all types, technical documents of all types for technical products).
Translate the following words into Russian :
Required, existing national and international standards, to take into account, elaborated, digital number, branch standards, italicised, ordinal number of a branch, enterprises, in order to, solve, to be absent, to contradict, commission, standardization, recommendational and informational character, application, provided, corresponding treaties, CMEA countries, United System of Designing Documents, improved, recommendations, envisaged, schemes of all types.
Retell the text using the English counterparts of the following words:
Конструктор, необходимо, следить, действующие, стандарт, учитывать, требования, разработка, изделие, обозначаемые, ГОСТ, отрасль, выделенным, порядковой, комбинат, предприятие, выпускаются, рациональное, решение, задача, отсутствие, соответствующих, противоречить, относятся, стандартизация, применение, обуславливается, договорные отношения, сотрудничество, совершенствуется, предусматривается, чертежи.
Questions to the text
1.Why must a designer follow national and international standards
while elaborating a product?
2.What types of national standards do you know?
3.What kinds of international standards can be used in our country?
4.Are there any cooperative standards?
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