Fig 2.4. General view of fodder-shredder-mixer of ИСК-3 mark
Translate the following words:
Embodied, with regard, to permit, ergonomics, environmental pro-tion, fodder shredder mixer, frame, spinner, concave, injector, piles of aunter-cuts, dash-and-dot lines, continuous line, connective, nominal values, free field of a diagram, longitudinal.
Find corresponding English equivalents for the following word combinations:
Разработка, функциональный, воплощаться, опорный, оператор, |волять, технологичность, разрез, устройство, выделять, штрих пунк->ный, самостоятельный, сплошной, данные, параметр, продольный, устройство, корне клубнеплоды.
Subjects for discussion and questions to the text:
l.What diagram is the basis for the elaborating of other designinq documents?
2.What problems does a schematic diagram solve?
3.1n what form is a schematic diagram carried out?
4.What information is located in the free filed?
5.Where are nominal values of parameters put?
6.On what basis is the general view of machine with longitudial sections carried out?
7.What allows to get all necessary information about the design of a machine, its assembly, units and elements?
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