1.5.2. Methods of Operating Designing Works.

As every systemic object, designing is an operated process. In order to evaluate effectiveness of the process itself and system of its operation the following methods are applied:

The above operating methods are usually used when designers of the same specialty work together on the typical problem. If for solving new problems the teams consisting of different specialists are created and it is required to exceed the limits of a set task, then, naturally, the methods of designing work, operating will somehow be changed too.

Retell the text using the following words :

Revelation, revision, considerable losses, initial stages, convention, decisions, foreseen, to contradict, initial assumptions, aims, model choice, correlation, on one hand, loss, caused, wrong, on the other hand, ignorance, costly, suggestion, total designing, implementation, poor production, errors, constitute, annually, distribution, performers, to satisfy, requirements, team,, innovator design, environment, sensibility, decisions, outlined, aims, strategy, cleared up, to exceed, set task.

Give English equivalents for :

Выявлять, пересмотр, убыток, условно, предусматривать, выяснять затраты, стоимость, распределения, взаимосвязь.

Answer the following questions :

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