1.5.2. Methods of Operating Designing Works.
As every systemic object, designing is an operated process. In order to evaluate effectiveness of the process itself and system of its operation the following methods are applied:
-Revelation and revision of the most important decisions. Every decision, leading to considerable losses must be revealed as early as possible. At
the initial stages such decisions are to be taken only by convention and the
possibility of their revision must be foreseen if they turn out to contradict re
liably determined facts and justified statements of specialists. The most Im
portant decisions include initial assumptions, aims, model choice, strategy
choice and strategy changing method.
-Correlation between expenses for scientific research and experi
mental designing works on one hand and losses, caused by wrong decisions
on the other hand. Losses, caused by ignorance, must be greater, than ex
penses for costly designer's efforts, directed at search of answer to one or
another question. Evaluating suggestion of carrying out some kind of work,
the first aspect to be cleared up is: what questions it will give answers to?
Data analysis showed investments into EDW (experimental designing works)
and SRW (scientific research work) to have the greatest effect. Cost of such
elaborations is only 3-5% of total designing and production cost, while eco
nomic effectiveness constitutes about 30-50% of total economic effect of
product's implementation.
-Production exerts great influence too: from 30% to 40% of fails are caused by poor production and errors in documents. In tractor - and agricultural machine - building losses, caused by mistakes in operating technological documents constitute 10 mln. rubles annually.
-Distribution of tasks according to possibilities of performers. It is
more difficult to satisfy this requirements in the teams, consisting of different
specialists, working on innovator design.
-Investigation of interrelation between product and environment
Before selecting and changing designing strategy, it is necessary to evaluai sensibility of construction environmental changes and of environment to con struction changes correspondingly. Only after doing this, the main decisions may be outlined, the aims determined and strategy-cleared up.
The above operating methods are usually used when designers of the same specialty work together on the typical problem. If for solving new problems the teams consisting of different specialists are created and it is required to exceed the limits of a set task, then, naturally, the methods of designing work, operating will somehow be changed too.
Retell the text using the following words :
Revelation, revision, considerable losses, initial stages, convention, decisions, foreseen, to contradict, initial assumptions, aims, model choice, correlation, on one hand, loss, caused, wrong, on the other hand, ignorance, costly, suggestion, total designing, implementation, poor production, errors, constitute, annually, distribution, performers, to satisfy, requirements, team,, innovator design, environment, sensibility, decisions, outlined, aims, strategy, cleared up, to exceed, set task.
Give English equivalents for :
Выявлять, пересмотр, убыток, условно, предусматривать, выяснять затраты, стоимость, распределения, взаимосвязь.
Answer the following questions :
l.Is designing an operated process?
2.What methods are applied to evaluate effectiveness of the proc-
3.What decisions must be revealed as early as possible?
4.What do the most important decisions include?
S.What must be taken into consideration in evaluating suggestion of carrying out some kind of work?
6.What is the reason of fails from 30% to 40% ?
7,In which cases are the methods of designing work, operating changed?
8.What is it necessary to do if the teams, consisting of different specialist are created?
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