1.4. Rational Method of Idea Search.

1.4.1. Morphological Maps.

Rational methods are based on oriented search and classification of formal objects and processes according to definite signs. This group contains: morphological analysis and method of test questions.

In contrast to HP, method of morphological maps is formalized. Term "formalization" means presentation of any field of knowledge in the form of a system of procedures, based on logical and mathematical methods. Formalized method, using morphological maps, allows to widen sphere of search of a designing problem decision by means of recalling all possible variants and selecting the best one.

In order to make up a morphologic:! map, first of all it is necessary to specify the main function, which the chosen machine variant is to perform. Then, for each determined function, the possible methods of its realization are found (particular decisions).

Morphological map, every line of which presents a title of main functions with alternative means of its performance, is made up on this basis.

Table 1.4

Morphological map for composing a functional scheme
of root-and-tuber digger

Title of a function
Type of a too
Fl-pulling Band rolling Foot-blade Chain Wedqe-belt
F3-haulm cutting Digging prongs Plain share Swinging share Lifter wheels
F3-haulm cutting Plain cutter with rotary movement Conical milling cutter Cutting apparatus with rotary and translational - movement Drum cutting apparatus
F4-separation Auger-type cleaner Chain elevator Screen (plain or cylindrical) Centrifuge
F5-soil clod crushing Metallic cylinder Rubber pneumatic cylinder Washer conveyor Suspension tank
F6-trans porting Band-and-slat conveyor Bucket conveyor Chain-wed conveyor Chain-and-slat conveyor

Table 1.4. gives generalized morphological map for constructing root-and-tuber
digger functional scheme. Existing constructions can be estimated on its basis.

So, for example, a beet-harvester can be represented as:
Р5сьете=Р12.Р22.Р31.Рб1.(Р4 and F3=0),
and potato combine as:FShotvoit(Engl.)=F22.F42.F54.F61.(Fl,F3=0),Fkkp-2=F22.F42.F52.F61.(Fl,F3=0).

On the basis of morphological maps it is also possible to create other schemes, uniting different functions and using their possible realizations. Formally it is possible to create 120 scheme variants on the basis of table 1.4.

As we see, a morphological map guarantees that none of designing problem decisions would be simplified. Small amount of time for filling a matrix, naturally providing sufficient information and experience, is considered to be advantageous. The main difficulty is in selection of a set of functions, essential for every decision, independent, covering all problem aspects and not numerous enough to make up a matrix, permitting a quick study.

Disadvantage of this method lies in .the fact, that both for fulfilling the functions and search of applicable decisions knowledge of problem structure which the method itself doesn't reveal is required. That is why it can give the best results during investigating restricted fields of search and not in studying poorly defined and formulated problems.
Translate the following words :

Idea, morphological maps, search, formalization, presentation, procedures, to widen, recalling, to specify, to perform, particular decisions, present alternative means, performance, root-and-tuber digger, pulling, band-rolling, foot-blade, wedge-belt, digging, digging prongs, plain share, swinging share, lifter wheels, haulm cutting, plain cutter, rotary movement, conical milling cutter, auger-type cleaner, chain elevator, screen, centrifuge, soil clod crushing, rubber pneumatic cylinder, washer conveyor, suspension tank, band-and-slat conveyor, bucket conveyor, chain-web conveyor, chain-and-slat conveyor, root-and-tuber digger, estimated, beet-harvester, unit, a matrix, sufficient, to be advantageous, a set of, essential, to make up, disadvantage, lies in the fact, applicable, restricted fields, poorly defined.

Find English counterparts for the word combinations :

Морфологический, карта, рациональный, формализованный, построение карты, функция, альтернативный, осуществление, теребление, ленточно-роликовый, лапчатый, цепной, клинноременный, копка, вильчатый, копач, плоский, ламах, качающийся, выжимной, ботва, срезание, плоский, фреза, барабанный, режущий аппарат, сепарация, очиститель, прутковый элеватор, грохот (аппарат), центрифуга, комок, резина, шайбовый, суспензия, планчатый ковш, прутковый транспортер, гарантировать, трудность, существенный

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