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Вариант №3

ЗАДАНИЕ № 1 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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. …is the process of forcing molten metal under high pressure into the cavities of steel moulds.


a) most casting b) die casting
c) lost-wax casting d) investment casting

ЗАДАНИЕ № 2 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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… range in complexity to produce any non-ferrous metal parts from sink faucets to engine blocks


a) die b) dries
c) drags d) folds

ЗАДАНИЕ № 3 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Сommon metals used in die casting include … and aluminum.


a) copper b) magnesium
c) iron d) zinc

ЗАДАНИЕ № 4 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Small art pieces such as jewelry are often cast by this method using the … process

a) low wax b) lost-wax
c) artistic d) casting

ЗАДАНИЕ № 5 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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A . . . cannot be called a machine for it has no moving parts.


a) transformer b) transformation
c) transformed d) transforming

ЗАДАНИЕ № 6 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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No additional measures were required in case all the preliminary conditions of work . . .


a) fulfilled b) were fulfilled
c) have fulfilled d) fulfill

ЗАДАНИЕ № 7 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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If the molten iron in the Bessemer converter . . . unproperly, the final product would be spoiled.


a) blown
b) have blown
c) were blown
d) will blown

ЗАДАНИЕ № 8 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Coke burns in a furnace . . . carbon dioxide.


a) to produce
b) have produced
c) producer
d) has produced

ЗАДАНИЕ № 9 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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We like . . . books.

a) read b) reading
c) have read d) reads

ЗАДАНИЕ № 10 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Manganese, phosphorus and silicon are the elements separately and distinctly . . . on physical.

a) acting
b) will act
c) was acted
d) act

ЗАДАНИЕ № 11 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The device . . . showed good performance.

a) a) invents b) b) is invented
c) invent d) invented

ЗАДАНИЕ № 12 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The ancient Greek philosophers supposed matter . . . of minute particles – atoms.

a) to be composed b) have composed
c) was composed d) were composed

ЗАДАНИЕ № 13 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Oxygen is known . . . with all but a few of the other elements.

a) unite b) unites
c) to unite d) uniting

ЗАДАНИЕ № 14 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Oxygen . . . a very active elements, it is difficult to prevent metals from oxidation.

a) be b) being
c) been d) to be

ЗАДАНИЕ № 15 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Guest: “Atchoo!”
Hostess: “. . .”

a) Congratulations! b) Bless you!
c) Good luck d) Happy Birthday!

ЗАДАНИЕ № 16 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Receptionist: “Could I have your passport, please?”
Oliver Morgan: “. . .”

a) Here you are b) No problem
c) No,I don't d) Bless you!

ЗАДАНИЕ № 17 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Mrs. Winters: “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I’m afraid I’ve broken a glass.”
Ana: “. . .”

a) Oh, never mind. It’s not a very good one. b) That’s all right
c) I’m sorry d) Excuse me.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 18 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Guest “Thank you for coming to meet us.”
Receptionist “. . . Did you have a good trip?”

a) Not at all b) Yes, of course
c) How do you do? d) Here you are.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 19 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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William Shakespeare is known to be the author of the famous play . . .

a) Romeo and Juliet b) War and Peace
c) Cinderella d) Pygmalion

ЗАДАНИЕ № 20 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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What is the largest river in the USA?

a) The Missouri River b) The Colorado
c) The Mississippi d) The Columbia

ЗАДАНИЕ № 21 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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English and French are official languages of . . .

a) India b) Australia
c) New Zealand d) Canada


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One of most outstanding British scientists . . . was born very far from Britain, spent a great part his life far away but was buried in Westminster Abbey.

a) Ch. Darwin b) M. Faraday
c) E. Rutherford d) A. Smith

ЗАДАНИЕ № 23 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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           1 1.Metal castings are obtained by pouring molten metal into cavities formed in sand or metal molds and allowing the metal to solidify: In the making of sand molds, suitable mixtures of molding sand are rammed around patterns which are removed after the impression has been produced. In order to compensate for the contraction of the metal when it solidifies and cools, the pattern are usually made somewhat larger than the dimensions required on the finished castings.
           2.Construction of sand molds. A sand mold is made within a frame of wood or metal known as a flask which may be of any size or shape to accommodate the pattern to be used in it. Each flask has two or more sections, depending upon the design and size of the castings to be produced. The top section of the flask is the cope, the bottom section is the drag, and any intermediate sections are the cheeks. Pins and lugs are attached to the flask to insure positive alignment of all sections when the mold is closed. A bottom board supports the sand in the drag. In order to carry the sand in the cope of a large mold, bars are fastened securely across this section of the flask. The mold cavity contains, in addition to the impression for the casting, one or more openings known as gates through which the molten metal enters the mold. The gate includes the basin into which the metal is poured directly from the ladle and all parts of the passage way leading from the pouring basin to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The gate consists of the pouring basin, the sprue, the runner and the in-gate.
           3.The pouring basin receives the molten metal and discharges it into the sprue. The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner. The runner is the horizontal portion of the gate which distributes the molten metal to one or more castings in the mold. The in-gate is the opening from the runner to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The location and size of gates are arranged so that the molds can be filled quickly with the minimum amount of cutting of the mold surfaces by the flowing metal. Attention is also given to the placing of gates so as to avoid the development of cracks when the metal cools.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The gate does not consist of the pouring basin
a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 24 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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           1 1.Metal castings are obtained by pouring molten metal into cavities formed in sand or metal molds and allowing the metal to solidify: In the making of sand molds, suitable mixtures of molding sand are rammed around patterns which are removed after the impression has been produced. In order to compensate for the contraction of the metal when it solidifies and cools, the pattern are usually made somewhat larger than the dimensions required on the finished castings.
           2.Construction of sand molds. A sand mold is made within a frame of wood or metal known as a flask which may be of any size or shape to accommodate the pattern to be used in it. Each flask has two or more sections, depending upon the design and size of the castings to be produced. The top section of the flask is the cope, the bottom section is the drag, and any intermediate sections are the cheeks. Pins and lugs are attached to the flask to insure positive alignment of all sections when the mold is closed. A bottom board supports the sand in the drag. In order to carry the sand in the cope of a large mold, bars are fastened securely across this section of the flask. The mold cavity contains, in addition to the impression for the casting, one or more openings known as gates through which the molten metal enters the mold. The gate includes the basin into which the metal is poured directly from the ladle and all parts of the passage way leading from the pouring basin to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The gate consists of the pouring basin, the sprue, the runner and the in-gate.
           3.The pouring basin receives the molten metal and discharges it into the sprue. The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner. The runner is the horizontal portion of the gate which distributes the molten metal to one or more castings in the mold. The in-gate is the opening from the runner to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The location and size of gates are arranged so that the molds can be filled quickly with the minimum amount of cutting of the mold surfaces by the flowing metal. Attention is also given to the placing of gates so as to avoid the development of cracks when the metal cools.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Each flask has two or more sections, depending upon the design and size of the casting to be produced.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 25 ( -выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания
           1 1.Metal castings are obtained by pouring molten metal into cavities formed in sand or metal molds and allowing the metal to solidify: In the making of sand molds, suitable mixtures of molding sand are rammed around patterns which are removed after the impression has been produced. In order to compensate for the contraction of the metal when it solidifies and cools, the pattern are usually made somewhat larger than the dimensions required on the finished castings.
           2.Construction of sand molds. A sand mold is made within a frame of wood or metal known as a flask which may be of any size or shape to accommodate the pattern to be used in it. Each flask has two or more sections, depending upon the design and size of the castings to be produced. The top section of the flask is the cope, the bottom section is the drag, and any intermediate sections are the cheeks. Pins and lugs are attached to the flask to insure positive alignment of all sections when the mold is closed. A bottom board supports the sand in the drag. In order to carry the sand in the cope of a large mold, bars are fastened securely across this section of the flask. The mold cavity contains, in addition to the impression for the casting, one or more openings known as gates through which the molten metal enters the mold. The gate includes the basin into which the metal is poured directly from the ladle and all parts of the passage way leading from the pouring basin to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The gate consists of the pouring basin, the sprue, the runner and the in-gate.
           3.The pouring basin receives the molten metal and discharges it into the sprue. The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner. The runner is the horizontal portion of the gate which distributes the molten metal to one or more castings in the mold. The in-gate is the opening from the runner to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The location and size of gates are arranged so that the molds can be filled quickly with the minimum amount of cutting of the mold surfaces by the flowing metal. Attention is also given to the placing of gates so as to avoid the development of cracks when the metal cools.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Pins and lugs are attached to the flask to insure positive alignment of all sections when the mold is closed.

a) ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 26 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания
           1 1.Metal castings are obtained by pouring molten metal into cavities formed in sand or metal molds and allowing the metal to solidify: In the making of sand molds, suitable mixtures of molding sand are rammed around patterns which are removed after the impression has been produced. In order to compensate for the contraction of the metal when it solidifies and cools, the pattern are usually made somewhat larger than the dimensions required on the finished castings.
           2.Construction of sand molds. A sand mold is made within a frame of wood or metal known as a flask which may be of any size or shape to accommodate the pattern to be used in it. Each flask has two or more sections, depending upon the design and size of the castings to be produced. The top section of the flask is the cope, the bottom section is the drag, and any intermediate sections are the cheeks. Pins and lugs are attached to the flask to insure positive alignment of all sections when the mold is closed. A bottom board supports the sand in the drag. In order to carry the sand in the cope of a large mold, bars are fastened securely across this section of the flask. The mold cavity contains, in addition to the impression for the casting, one or more openings known as gates through which the molten metal enters the mold. The gate includes the basin into which the metal is poured directly from the ladle and all parts of the passage way leading from the pouring basin to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The gate consists of the pouring basin, the sprue, the runner and the in-gate.
           3.The pouring basin receives the molten metal and discharges it into the sprue. The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner. The runner is the horizontal portion of the gate which distributes the molten metal to one or more castings in the mold. The in-gate is the opening from the runner to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The location and size of gates are arranged so that the molds can be filled quickly with the minimum amount of cutting of the mold surfaces by the flowing metal. Attention is also given to the placing of gates so as to avoid the development of cracks when the metal cools.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The new cold air for the next casting cycle gets into the furnace with a higher temperature.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 27 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания
           1 1.Metal castings are obtained by pouring molten metal into cavities formed in sand or metal molds and allowing the metal to solidify: In the making of sand molds, suitable mixtures of molding sand are rammed around patterns which are removed after the impression has been produced. In order to compensate for the contraction of the metal when it solidifies and cools, the pattern are usually made somewhat larger than the dimensions required on the finished castings.
           2.Construction of sand molds. A sand mold is made within a frame of wood or metal known as a flask which may be of any size or shape to accommodate the pattern to be used in it. Each flask has two or more sections, depending upon the design and size of the castings to be produced. The top section of the flask is the cope, the bottom section is the drag, and any intermediate sections are the cheeks. Pins and lugs are attached to the flask to insure positive alignment of all sections when the mold is closed. A bottom board supports the sand in the drag. In order to carry the sand in the cope of a large mold, bars are fastened securely across this section of the flask. The mold cavity contains, in addition to the impression for the casting, one or more openings known as gates through which the molten metal enters the mold. The gate includes the basin into which the metal is poured directly from the ladle and all parts of the passage way leading from the pouring basin to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The gate consists of the pouring basin, the sprue, the runner and the in-gate.
           3.The pouring basin receives the molten metal and discharges it into the sprue. The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner. The runner is the horizontal portion of the gate which distributes the molten metal to one or more castings in the mold. The in-gate is the opening from the runner to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The location and size of gates are arranged so that the molds can be filled quickly with the minimum amount of cutting of the mold surfaces by the flowing metal. Attention is also given to the placing of gates so as to avoid the development of cracks when the metal cools.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3) соответствует следующая информация:

The pouring basin receives the molten metal and discharges it into the sprue.


a) 1 b) 3
c) 2

ЗАДАНИЕ № 28 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания
           1 1.Metal castings are obtained by pouring molten metal into cavities formed in sand or metal molds and allowing the metal to solidify: In the making of sand molds, suitable mixtures of molding sand are rammed around patterns which are removed after the impression has been produced. In order to compensate for the contraction of the metal when it solidifies and cools, the pattern are usually made somewhat larger than the dimensions required on the finished castings.
           2.Construction of sand molds. A sand mold is made within a frame of wood or metal known as a flask which may be of any size or shape to accommodate the pattern to be used in it. Each flask has two or more sections, depending upon the design and size of the castings to be produced. The top section of the flask is the cope, the bottom section is the drag, and any intermediate sections are the cheeks. Pins and lugs are attached to the flask to insure positive alignment of all sections when the mold is closed. A bottom board supports the sand in the drag. In order to carry the sand in the cope of a large mold, bars are fastened securely across this section of the flask. The mold cavity contains, in addition to the impression for the casting, one or more openings known as gates through which the molten metal enters the mold. The gate includes the basin into which the metal is poured directly from the ladle and all parts of the passage way leading from the pouring basin to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The gate consists of the pouring basin, the sprue, the runner and the in-gate.
           3.The pouring basin receives the molten metal and discharges it into the sprue. The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner. The runner is the horizontal portion of the gate which distributes the molten metal to one or more castings in the mold. The in-gate is the opening from the runner to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The location and size of gates are arranged so that the molds can be filled quickly with the minimum amount of cutting of the mold surfaces by the flowing metal. Attention is also given to the placing of gates so as to avoid the development of cracks when the metal cools.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3) соответствует следующая информация:

In order to carry the sand in the copy of a large mold, bars are fastened securely across this section of the flask.


a) 1 b) 3
c) 2

ЗАДАНИЕ № 29 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания
           1 1.Metal castings are obtained by pouring molten metal into cavities formed in sand or metal molds and allowing the metal to solidify: In the making of sand molds, suitable mixtures of molding sand are rammed around patterns which are removed after the impression has been produced. In order to compensate for the contraction of the metal when it solidifies and cools, the pattern are usually made somewhat larger than the dimensions required on the finished castings.
           2.Construction of sand molds. A sand mold is made within a frame of wood or metal known as a flask which may be of any size or shape to accommodate the pattern to be used in it. Each flask has two or more sections, depending upon the design and size of the castings to be produced. The top section of the flask is the cope, the bottom section is the drag, and any intermediate sections are the cheeks. Pins and lugs are attached to the flask to insure positive alignment of all sections when the mold is closed. A bottom board supports the sand in the drag. In order to carry the sand in the cope of a large mold, bars are fastened securely across this section of the flask. The mold cavity contains, in addition to the impression for the casting, one or more openings known as gates through which the molten metal enters the mold. The gate includes the basin into which the metal is poured directly from the ladle and all parts of the passage way leading from the pouring basin to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The gate consists of the pouring basin, the sprue, the runner and the in-gate.
           3.The pouring basin receives the molten metal and discharges it into the sprue. The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner. The runner is the horizontal portion of the gate which distributes the molten metal to one or more castings in the mold. The in-gate is the opening from the runner to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The location and size of gates are arranged so that the molds can be filled quickly with the minimum amount of cutting of the mold surfaces by the flowing metal. Attention is also given to the placing of gates so as to avoid the development of cracks when the metal cools.

Ответьте на вопрос

What is sprue?


a) The sprue is the horizontal portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner b) The sprue is the vertical portion of the in- gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner
c) The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the cold metal from the pouring basin to the runner d) The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner

ЗАДАНИЕ № 30 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания
           1 1.Metal castings are obtained by pouring molten metal into cavities formed in sand or metal molds and allowing the metal to solidify: In the making of sand molds, suitable mixtures of molding sand are rammed around patterns which are removed after the impression has been produced. In order to compensate for the contraction of the metal when it solidifies and cools, the pattern are usually made somewhat larger than the dimensions required on the finished castings.
           2.Construction of sand molds. A sand mold is made within a frame of wood or metal known as a flask which may be of any size or shape to accommodate the pattern to be used in it. Each flask has two or more sections, depending upon the design and size of the castings to be produced. The top section of the flask is the cope, the bottom section is the drag, and any intermediate sections are the cheeks. Pins and lugs are attached to the flask to insure positive alignment of all sections when the mold is closed. A bottom board supports the sand in the drag. In order to carry the sand in the cope of a large mold, bars are fastened securely across this section of the flask. The mold cavity contains, in addition to the impression for the casting, one or more openings known as gates through which the molten metal enters the mold. The gate includes the basin into which the metal is poured directly from the ladle and all parts of the passage way leading from the pouring basin to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The gate consists of the pouring basin, the sprue, the runner and the in-gate.
           3.The pouring basin receives the molten metal and discharges it into the sprue. The sprue is the vertical portion of the gate which conveys the molten metal from the pouring basin to the runner. The runner is the horizontal portion of the gate which distributes the molten metal to one or more castings in the mold. The in-gate is the opening from the runner to the cavity in which the casting is formed. The location and size of gates are arranged so that the molds can be filled quickly with the minimum amount of cutting of the mold surfaces by the flowing metal. Attention is also given to the placing of gates so as to avoid the development of cracks when the metal cools.

Выберите заголовок текста из предложенных.


a) Molding practice b) Sand casting
c) New type melting furnace.


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