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Вариант №1

ЗАДАНИЕ № 1 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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… is used for making parts of complex shape that would be difficult or uneconomical to make by other methods, such as cutting from solid material


a) melting b) welding
c) casting d) manufacturing

ЗАДАНИЕ № 2 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Most of aluminum … are both light and strong.


a) ores b) alloys
c) moulds d) powders

ЗАДАНИЕ № 3 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The first stage in manufacturing plastic is …


a) polymerization b) condensation
c) reaction d) emulsion

ЗАДАНИЕ № 4 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The casting process is subdivided into two distinct subgroups … and nonexpendable mold casting

a) nonreusable b) nonconsumable
c) reversible d) expendable

ЗАДАНИЕ № 5 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The equipment tested requires further . . .


a) improve b) improvement
c) improved d) improving

ЗАДАНИЕ № 6 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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If the furnace . . . properly, it will operate successfully.


a) was charged b) is charged
c) has charged d) would charged

ЗАДАНИЕ № 7 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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We . . . the device if we got it.


a) would have tested b) would test
c) test d) have tested

ЗАДАНИЕ № 8 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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S. Kovalevskaya was the first among women . . . a professor.

a) became b) becoming
c) have become d) to become

ЗАДАНИЕ № 9 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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You should carry on this experiment without . . .

a) interrupting b) to interrupt
c) have interrupted d) interrupts

ЗАДАНИЕ № 10 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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I see a student . . . a book.

a) read b) reading
c) having read d) reads

ЗАДАНИЕ № 11 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The fibres . . . by our shop are of improved quality.

a) produced b) was produced
c) will produce/td> d) were produced

ЗАДАНИЕ № 12 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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I want you . . . this book.

a) read b) to read
c) reads d) reading

ЗАДАНИЕ № 13 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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This student is said . . . the institute last year.

a) was entered b) have entered
c) to have entered d) is was entered

ЗАДАНИЕ № 14 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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. . . , we decided to stop working.

a) it was late b) it being late
c) it werelate d) it is late

ЗАДАНИЕ № 15 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Hostess: ”Would you like some more cake?”
Guest: “. . .“

a) Bless you! b) Never mind
c) Yes , please d) The same to you.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 16 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Student: “Sorry I’m late. I missed the bus.”
Teacher: “. . .“

a) Excuse me? b) That’s OK. Come in and sit down
c) No, my second d) Yes, I am

ЗАДАНИЕ № 17 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Student: “Have you had time to mark my composition?”
Teacher: “. . .”

a) Oh, dear, you look awful, what’s the matter with you? b) Yes, and I do hope you don’t mind my saying this but you’ve made one or two tiny mistakes.
c) Yes, it was quite good and I’ve underlined the mistakes you’ve made. d) Yes, I have

ЗАДАНИЕ № 18 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Secretary: “Would you like to leave any message for him?”
Mr. Smith: “. . .”

a) Putting you through b) No, thanks. Just tell him I rang.
c) Fine, thanks d) Certainly. Nice to meet you again.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 19 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is also called . . . .

a) the Jolly Roger b) the Union Dick
c) the Union Jack d) the Holly Dick

ЗАДАНИЕ № 20 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Who was the first president of the USA?

a) Washington b) Lincoln
c) Franklin d) Harrison

ЗАДАНИЕ № 21 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Which Canadian city is surrounded by some rivers and the canal?

a) Ottawa b) Victoria
c) Toronto d) Montreal


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It is well known that Isaac Newton studied and worked at . . .

a) Oxford b) Cambridge
c) London d) Edinburgh

ЗАДАНИЕ № 23 (-выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание:

           1 One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould; in fact, to obtain a casted piece with constant characteristics it is necessary the сycle always remains the same. The furnace pressurization curve, necessary for filling the mould, must not be influenced by any air leaks nor by pressure variations in the air supply line or the level of metal in the furnace. All this can be achieved using the Borli BPS2 pressurization system.
           2 The pressurization of the furnace, obtained by means of a series of pressure ramps, is made possible by a proportional command valve controlled by an instrument that can be easily programmed, which acquires the pressure value inside the furnace and processes the valve command signal. All the components are quick and easy to install; even on existing plants, only a few operations are needed to make the Borli BPS2 system immediately operative. Programming is equally simple, thanks to the graphic display of the parameters that can be set and to the access menus.
           3 The Borli BPS2 system can work in three operative modes: Normal mode: the pressurization ramps are always realized in the same way, without considering the variation of the metal level in the furnace. Sensor mode: a sensor positioned in the mould may be used, which detects the presence of metal. When this happens, the system passes from the current step to the second-last step, the one holding phase; in this way cycle time is optimized. Сompensation mode: as the level of the metal in the furnace falls lower at each casting, to guarantee thee the repeatability of the cycle it is necessary to increase the first pressurization ramp by the pressure variation corresponding to the variation of the level of aluminium in the furnace which is the equivalent of the volume of the casting made. This is done automatically by the BPS2 system with a value that can be set by the operator.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Some components are quick and easy to install.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации


Прочитайте текст и выполните задание:
1 One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould; in fact, to obtain a casted piece with constant characteristics it is necessary the сycle always remains the same. The furnace pressurization curve, necessary for filling the mould, must not be influenced by any air leaks nor by pressure variations in the air supply line or the level of metal in the furnace. All this can be achieved using the Borli BPS2 pressurization system.
           2 The pressurization of the furnace, obtained by means of a series of pressure ramps, is made possible by a proportional command valve controlled by an instrument that can be easily programmed, which acquires the pressure value inside the furnace and processes the valve command signal. All the components are quick and easy to install; even on existing plants, only a few operations are needed to make the Borli BPS2 system immediately operative. Programming is equally simple, thanks to the graphic display of the parameters that can be set and to the access menus.
           3 The Borli BPS2 system can work in three operative modes: Normal mode: the pressurization ramps are always realized in the same way, without considering the variation of the metal level in the furnace. Sensor mode: a sensor positioned in the mould may be used, which detects the presence of metal. When this happens, the system passes from the current step to the second-last step, the one holding phase; in this way cycle time is optimized. Сompensation mode: as the level of the metal in the furnace falls lower at each casting, to guarantee thee the repeatability of the cycle it is necessary to increase the first pressurization ramp by the pressure variation corresponding to the variation of the level of aluminium in the furnace which is the equivalent of the volume of the casting made. This is done automatically by the BPS2 system with a value that can be set by the operator.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

To obtain a casted piece with constant characteristics it is necessary the cycle always remains the same .

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
c)В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 25 (-выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание:

1 One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould; in fact, to obtain a casted piece with constant characteristics it is necessary the сycle always remains the same. The furnace pressurization curve, necessary for filling the mould, must not be influenced by any air leaks nor by pressure variations in the air supply line or the level of metal in the furnace. All this can be achieved using the Borli BPS2 pressurization system.
           2 The pressurization of the furnace, obtained by means of a series of pressure ramps, is made possible by a proportional command valve controlled by an instrument that can be easily programmed, which acquires the pressure value inside the furnace and processes the valve command signal. All the components are quick and easy to install; even on existing plants, only a few operations are needed to make the Borli BPS2 system immediately operative. Programming is equally simple, thanks to the graphic display of the parameters that can be set and to the access menus.
           3 The Borli BPS2 system can work in three operative modes: Normal mode: the pressurization ramps are always realized in the same way, without considering the variation of the metal level in the furnace. Sensor mode: a sensor positioned in the mould may be used, which detects the presence of metal. When this happens, the system passes from the current step to the second-last step, the one holding phase; in this way cycle time is optimized. Сompensation mode: as the level of the metal in the furnace falls lower at each casting, to guarantee thee the repeatability of the cycle it is necessary to increase the first pressurization ramp by the pressure variation corresponding to the variation of the level of aluminium in the furnace which is the equivalent of the volume of the casting made. This is done automatically by the BPS2 system with a value that can be set by the operator.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The first stage is manufacturing plastic is polymerization

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 26 (-выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание:
1 One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould; in fact, to obtain a casted piece with constant characteristics it is necessary the сycle always remains the same. The furnace pressurization curve, necessary for filling the mould, must not be influenced by any air leaks nor by pressure variations in the air supply line or the level of metal in the furnace. All this can be achieved using the Borli BPS2 pressurization system.
           2 The pressurization of the furnace, obtained by means of a series of pressure ramps, is made possible by a proportional command valve controlled by an instrument that can be easily programmed, which acquires the pressure value inside the furnace and processes the valve command signal. All the components are quick and easy to install; even on existing plants, only a few operations are needed to make the Borli BPS2 system immediately operative. Programming is equally simple, thanks to the graphic display of the parameters that can be set and to the access menus.
           3 The Borli BPS2 system can work in three operative modes: Normal mode: the pressurization ramps are always realized in the same way, without considering the variation of the metal level in the furnace. Sensor mode: a sensor positioned in the mould may be used, which detects the presence of metal. When this happens, the system passes from the current step to the second-last step, the one holding phase; in this way cycle time is optimized. Сompensation mode: as the level of the metal in the furnace falls lower at each casting, to guarantee thee the repeatability of the cycle it is necessary to increase the first pressurization ramp by the pressure variation corresponding to the variation of the level of aluminium in the furnace which is the equivalent of the volume of the casting made. This is done automatically by the BPS2 system with a value that can be set by the operator.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
c) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 27 (-выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание:

1 One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould; in fact, to obtain a casted piece with constant characteristics it is necessary the сycle always remains the same. The furnace pressurization curve, necessary for filling the mould, must not be influenced by any air leaks nor by pressure variations in the air supply line or the level of metal in the furnace. All this can be achieved using the Borli BPS2 pressurization system.
           2 The pressurization of the furnace, obtained by means of a series of pressure ramps, is made possible by a proportional command valve controlled by an instrument that can be easily programmed, which acquires the pressure value inside the furnace and processes the valve command signal. All the components are quick and easy to install; even on existing plants, only a few operations are needed to make the Borli BPS2 system immediately operative. Programming is equally simple, thanks to the graphic display of the parameters that can be set and to the access menus.
           3 The Borli BPS2 system can work in three operative modes: Normal mode: the pressurization ramps are always realized in the same way, without considering the variation of the metal level in the furnace. Sensor mode: a sensor positioned in the mould may be used, which detects the presence of metal. When this happens, the system passes from the current step to the second-last step, the one holding phase; in this way cycle time is optimized. Сompensation mode: as the level of the metal in the furnace falls lower at each casting, to guarantee thee the repeatability of the cycle it is necessary to increase the first pressurization ramp by the pressure variation corresponding to the variation of the level of aluminium in the furnace which is the equivalent of the volume of the casting made. This is done automatically by the BPS2 system with a value that can be set by the operator.

Укажите, какой части текста (1, 2, 3, 4) соответствует следующая информация:

Programming is equally simple, thanks to the graphic display of the parameters that can be set and to the access menus

a) 1 b) 3
c) 2

ЗАДАНИЕ № 28 (-выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание:

1 One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould; in fact, to obtain a casted piece with constant characteristics it is necessary the сycle always remains the same. The furnace pressurization curve, necessary for filling the mould, must not be influenced by any air leaks nor by pressure variations in the air supply line or the level of metal in the furnace. All this can be achieved using the Borli BPS2 pressurization system.
           2 The pressurization of the furnace, obtained by means of a series of pressure ramps, is made possible by a proportional command valve controlled by an instrument that can be easily programmed, which acquires the pressure value inside the furnace and processes the valve command signal. All the components are quick and easy to install; even on existing plants, only a few operations are needed to make the Borli BPS2 system immediately operative. Programming is equally simple, thanks to the graphic display of the parameters that can be set and to the access menus.
           3 The Borli BPS2 system can work in three operative modes: Normal mode: the pressurization ramps are always realized in the same way, without considering the variation of the metal level in the furnace. Sensor mode: a sensor positioned in the mould may be used, which detects the presence of metal. When this happens, the system passes from the current step to the second-last step, the one holding phase; in this way cycle time is optimized. Сompensation mode: as the level of the metal in the furnace falls lower at each casting, to guarantee thee the repeatability of the cycle it is necessary to increase the first pressurization ramp by the pressure variation corresponding to the variation of the level of aluminium in the furnace which is the equivalent of the volume of the casting made. This is done automatically by the BPS2 system with a value that can be set by the operator.

Укажите, какой части текста (1, 2, 3, 4) соответствует следующая информация:

The pressurization ramps are always realized in the same way, without considering the variation of the metal level in the furnace

a) 1 b) 3
c) 2

ЗАДАНИЕ № 29 (-выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание:

1 One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould; in fact, to obtain a casted piece with constant characteristics it is necessary the сycle always remains the same. The furnace pressurization curve, necessary for filling the mould, must not be influenced by any air leaks nor by pressure variations in the air supply line or the level of metal in the furnace. All this can be achieved using the Borli BPS2 pressurization system.
           2 The pressurization of the furnace, obtained by means of a series of pressure ramps, is made possible by a proportional command valve controlled by an instrument that can be easily programmed, which acquires the pressure value inside the furnace and processes the valve command signal. All the components are quick and easy to install; even on existing plants, only a few operations are needed to make the Borli BPS2 system immediately operative. Programming is equally simple, thanks to the graphic display of the parameters that can be set and to the access menus.
           3 The Borli BPS2 system can work in three operative modes: Normal mode: the pressurization ramps are always realized in the same way, without considering the variation of the metal level in the furnace. Sensor mode: a sensor positioned in the mould may be used, which detects the presence of metal. When this happens, the system passes from the current step to the second-last step, the one holding phase; in this way cycle time is optimized. Сompensation mode: as the level of the metal in the furnace falls lower at each casting, to guarantee thee the repeatability of the cycle it is necessary to increase the first pressurization ramp by the pressure variation corresponding to the variation of the level of aluminium in the furnace which is the equivalent of the volume of the casting made. This is done automatically by the BPS2 system with a value that can be set by the operator.

Ответьте на вопрос:

What is the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system?

a) One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting alloys in the mould b) One of the main requirements of the high-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould
c) One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for casting the metal in the mould d) One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould

ЗАДАНИЕ № 30 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание:

1 One of the main requirements of the low-pressure casting system is the repeatability of the cycle for injecting the metal in the mould; in fact, to obtain a casted piece with constant characteristics it is necessary the сycle always remains the same. The furnace pressurization curve, necessary for filling the mould, must not be influenced by any air leaks nor by pressure variations in the air supply line or the level of metal in the furnace. All this can be achieved using the Borli BPS2 pressurization system.
           2 The pressurization of the furnace, obtained by means of a series of pressure ramps, is made possible by a proportional command valve controlled by an instrument that can be easily programmed, which acquires the pressure value inside the furnace and processes the valve command signal. All the components are quick and easy to install; even on existing plants, only a few operations are needed to make the Borli BPS2 system immediately operative. Programming is equally simple, thanks to the graphic display of the parameters that can be set and to the access menus.
           3 The Borli BPS2 system can work in three operative modes: Normal mode: the pressurization ramps are always realized in the same way, without considering the variation of the metal level in the furnace. Sensor mode: a sensor positioned in the mould may be used, which detects the presence of metal. When this happens, the system passes from the current step to the second-last step, the one holding phase; in this way cycle time is optimized. Сompensation mode: as the level of the metal in the furnace falls lower at each casting, to guarantee thee the repeatability of the cycle it is necessary to increase the first pressurization ramp by the pressure variation corresponding to the variation of the level of aluminium in the furnace which is the equivalent of the volume of the casting made. This is done automatically by the BPS2 system with a value that can be set by the operator.

Выберите заголовок текста из предложенных


a) The low pressure casting b) Energy saving device
c) Pressurization control system


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