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ЗАДАНИЕ № 1 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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When you click on the Home button, the ------- displays your web-page.


a) mouse b) modem
c) folder d) browser

ЗАДАНИЕ № 2 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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-------- are programs that attach themselves to other programs and replicate when the infected programs are executed.


a) Computer viruses b) Crackers
c) Folders d) Windows

ЗАДАНИЕ № 3 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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-------- is the process of establishing a technical standard.


a) Standardization b) System
c) Competition d) Making

ЗАДАНИЕ № 4 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The point of any attack is to gain access to a legitimate user's --------

a) keyboard b) hacker
c) button d) account

ЗАДАНИЕ № 5 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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It is never too late _____ .


a) Learn b) To learn
c) Learning d) Learnt

ЗАДАНИЕ № 6 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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There is ------- sugar in this sugar basin than in that one.


a) Little b) Less
c) The least d) The last

ЗАДАНИЕ № 7 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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At ----- time of Dickens people were often taken to¬¬¬¬ ------ prison for debt.


a) the ... a
b) the … ----
c) a … a
d) the ... the

ЗАДАНИЕ № 8 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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I have only a few minutes -------- these words to you.


a) explain
b) explained
c) to explain
d) been explained

ЗАДАНИЕ № 9 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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I had no hope of -------- an answer before the end of the month.

a) get b) to get
c) getting d) got

ЗАДАНИЕ № 10 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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My brother is ------- the latest story by R. Bradbury now.

a) reading
b) read
c) to read
d) are read

ЗАДАНИЕ № 11 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The story ----- him yesterday wasn’t creepy.

a) tell b) told
c) to tell d) telling

ЗАДАНИЕ № 12 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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I know ----- a just man.

a) my friend to be b) my to be friend
c) my friend be d) my friend to been

ЗАДАНИЕ № 13 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The man -------- off his coat.

a) are seen to take b) was seen take
c) was see to take d) was seen to take

ЗАДАНИЕ № 14 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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-----, we shall see you off.

a) Time permitting b) Time to permit
c) Time permit d) Time permitted

ЗАДАНИЕ № 15 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

mother: ‘Help me to do the work about the house, please ‘
Son: ---------¬¬¬¬¬¬----

a) Thank you b) Yes, of course
c) Never mind d) Yes, I have

ЗАДАНИЕ № 16 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Doctor: ‘When did the symptoms start? ’
Patient: __________

a) I am glad you enjoyed it b) Oh good
c) This morning. Yesterday evening I ate something raw. d) No, that’s not necessary

ЗАДАНИЕ № 17 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Student: ‘Do you have time to explain this rule to me?’
Teacher: __________

a) Yes, do please b) Yes, I do
c) No, I didn’t d) No, we didn’t

ЗАДАНИЕ № 18 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Boos: How many hours a week can you work?

a) I don't think so. b) Yes, I don’t agree with you.
c) Yes, do please . d) 18 hours, may be more.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 19 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The area of the UK is --------.

a) 244,100 km b) 244,021 sq. km
c) 2 556 678 square km d) 2 556 678 km

ЗАДАНИЕ № 20 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The USA is a --------.

a) Constitutional Monarchy b) an Absolute Monarchy
c) Federal Republic d) Parliamentary Republic

ЗАДАНИЕ № 21 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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French is an official language in --------------.

a) India b) Canada
c) New Zealand d) Sweden


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An american electrical engineer Charles Proteus Steinmetz came to the United States in ----------.

a) 1926 b) 1756
c) 1889 d) 1837

ЗАДАНИЕ № 23 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Mass storage systems and optical disks

           The ability to use both multiple reels of tape and removable disk packs does extend an organization's ability to store a large amount of data. However magnetic tape does not support direct access storage. And removable disk packs provide some flexibility.
           Mass storage systems are composed of honecomb-like cells that hold as many as 2,000 data cartridges, each of which can store 50 Mb data. Each cartridge contains a strip of magnetic tape about 3 inches wide and form 150 to 770 inches long. Each bank of cartridges is serviced by a mechanical unit that retrieves the cartridges individually and positions them under a special read/write head for data transfer. IBM and Control Data Corporation both offer mass storage systems similar in capacity and capabilities. The IBM system is designed so that the data is transferred from the cartridge to a high ¬speed fixed disk. The Control Data System is designed so that the contents of the entire cartridge can be loaded directly into main memory, which provides much faster access to the data.
           Mass storage systems are faster than regular tape-reel-based systems, but they're slower than disk only systems because the CPU must locate the cartridge needed and transfer the data to disk or main memory before it can process the data. Another faster kind of mass storage exist - optical disks.
           The most promising secondary storage technology, optical storage, involves the use of a high power laser beam to burn microscopic spots in an aluminum disk's surface coating. Data is represented by presence (binary 1) and the absence (binary 0) of holes in the storage locations. A much lower power laser beam is used to retrieve the data. The patterns of posts detected by the laser (during a read operation) are converted into electrical signal used by die computer.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Mass storage systems are faster than regular tape-reel-based systems.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 24 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Mass storage systems and optical disks

           The ability to use both multiple reels of tape and removable disk packs does extend an organization's ability to store a large amount of data. However magnetic tape does not support direct access storage. And removable disk packs provide some flexibility.
           Mass storage systems are composed of honecomb-like cells that hold as many as 2,000 data cartridges, each of which can store 50 Mb data. Each cartridge contains a strip of magnetic tape about 3 inches wide and form 150 to 770 inches long. Each bank of cartridges is serviced by a mechanical unit that retrieves the cartridges individually and positions them under a special read/write head for data transfer. IBM and Control Data Corporation both offer mass storage systems similar in capacity and capabilities. The IBM system is designed so that the data is transferred from the cartridge to a high ¬speed fixed disk. The Control Data System is designed so that the contents of the entire cartridge can be loaded directly into main memory, which provides much faster access to the data.
           Mass storage systems are faster than regular tape-reel-based systems, but they're slower than disk only systems because the CPU must locate the cartridge needed and transfer the data to disk or main memory before it can process the data. Another faster kind of mass storage exist - optical disks.
           The most promising secondary storage technology, optical storage, involves the use of a high power laser beam to burn microscopic spots in an aluminum disk's surface coating. Data is represented by presence (binary 1) and the absence (binary 0) of holes in the storage locations. A much lower power laser beam is used to retrieve the data. The patterns of posts detected by the laser (during a read operation) are converted into electrical signal used by die computer.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Mass storage systems are composed of honecomb-like cells that hold as many as 2,000 data cartridges.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 25 ( -выберите один вариант ответа)

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Mass storage systems and optical disks

           The ability to use both multiple reels of tape and removable disk packs does extend an organization's ability to store a large amount of data. However magnetic tape does not support direct access storage. And removable disk packs provide some flexibility.
           Mass storage systems are composed of honecomb-like cells that hold as many as 2,000 data cartridges, each of which can store 50 Mb data. Each cartridge contains a strip of magnetic tape about 3 inches wide and form 150 to 770 inches long. Each bank of cartridges is serviced by a mechanical unit that retrieves the cartridges individually and positions them under a special read/write head for data transfer. IBM and Control Data Corporation both offer mass storage systems similar in capacity and capabilities. The IBM system is designed so that the data is transferred from the cartridge to a high ¬speed fixed disk. The Control Data System is designed so that the contents of the entire cartridge can be loaded directly into main memory, which provides much faster access to the data.
           Mass storage systems are faster than regular tape-reel-based systems, but they're slower than disk only systems because the CPU must locate the cartridge needed and transfer the data to disk or main memory before it can process the data. Another faster kind of mass storage exist - optical disks.
           The most promising secondary storage technology, optical storage, involves the use of a high power laser beam to burn microscopic spots in an aluminum disk's surface coating. Data is represented by presence (binary 1) and the absence (binary 0) of holes in the storage locations. A much lower power laser beam is used to retrieve the data. The patterns of posts detected by the laser (during a read operation) are converted into electrical signal used by die computer.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Only IBM offer mass storage systems.

a) ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 26 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Mass storage systems and optical disks

           The ability to use both multiple reels of tape and removable disk packs does extend an organization's ability to store a large amount of data. However magnetic tape does not support direct access storage. And removable disk packs provide some flexibility.
           Mass storage systems are composed of honecomb-like cells that hold as many as 2,000 data cartridges, each of which can store 50 Mb data. Each cartridge contains a strip of magnetic tape about 3 inches wide and form 150 to 770 inches long. Each bank of cartridges is serviced by a mechanical unit that retrieves the cartridges individually and positions them under a special read/write head for data transfer. IBM and Control Data Corporation both offer mass storage systems similar in capacity and capabilities. The IBM system is designed so that the data is transferred from the cartridge to a high ¬speed fixed disk. The Control Data System is designed so that the contents of the entire cartridge can be loaded directly into main memory, which provides much faster access to the data.
           Mass storage systems are faster than regular tape-reel-based systems, but they're slower than disk only systems because the CPU must locate the cartridge needed and transfer the data to disk or main memory before it can process the data. Another faster kind of mass storage exist - optical disks.
           The most promising secondary storage technology, optical storage, involves the use of a high power laser beam to burn microscopic spots in an aluminum disk's surface coating. Data is represented by presence (binary 1) and the absence (binary 0) of holes in the storage locations. A much lower power laser beam is used to retrieve the data. The patterns of posts detected by the laser (during a read operation) are converted into electrical signal used by die computer.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Data is represented by presence (binary 1) and the absence (binary 0) of holes in the storage locations.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 27 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Mass storage systems and optical disks

           1. The ability to use both multiple reels of tape and removable disk packs does extend an organization's ability to store a large amount of data. However magnetic tape does not support direct access storage. And removable disk packs provide some flexibility.
           2. Mass storage systems are composed of honecomb-like cells that hold as many as 2,000 data cartridges, each of which can store 50 Mb data. Each cartridge contains a strip of magnetic tape about 3 inches wide and form 150 to 770 inches long. Each bank of cartridges is serviced by a mechanical unit that retrieves the cartridges individually and positions them under a special read/write head for data transfer. IBM and Control Data Corporation both offer mass storage systems similar in capacity and capabilities. The IBM system is designed so that the data is transferred from the cartridge to a high ¬speed fixed disk. The Control Data System is designed so that the contents of the entire cartridge can be loaded directly into main memory, which provides much faster access to the data.
           3. Mass storage systems are faster than regular tape-reel-based systems, but they're slower than disk only systems because the CPU must locate the cartridge needed and transfer the data to disk or main memory before it can process the data. Another faster kind of mass storage exist - optical disks.
           4.The most promising secondary storage technology, optical storage, involves the use of a high power laser beam to burn microscopic spots in an aluminum disk's surface coating. Data is represented by presence (binary 1) and the absence (binary 0) of holes in the storage locations. A much lower power laser beam is used to retrieve the data. The patterns of posts detected by the laser (during a read operation) are converted into electrical signal used by die computer.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая информация:

Each bank of cartridges is serviced by a mechanical unit.


a) 1 b) 2
c) 4 d) 3

ЗАДАНИЕ № 28 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Mass storage systems and optical disks

           1. The ability to use both multiple reels of tape and removable disk packs does extend an organization's ability to store a large amount of data. However magnetic tape does not support direct access storage. And removable disk packs provide some flexibility.
           2. Mass storage systems are composed of honecomb-like cells that hold as many as 2,000 data cartridges, each of which can store 50 Mb data. Each cartridge contains a strip of magnetic tape about 3 inches wide and form 150 to 770 inches long. Each bank of cartridges is serviced by a mechanical unit that retrieves the cartridges individually and positions them under a special read/write head for data transfer. IBM and Control Data Corporation both offer mass storage systems similar in capacity and capabilities. The IBM system is designed so that the data is transferred from the cartridge to a high ¬speed fixed disk. The Control Data System is designed so that the contents of the entire cartridge can be loaded directly into main memory, which provides much faster access to the data.
           3. Mass storage systems are faster than regular tape-reel-based systems, but they're slower than disk only systems because the CPU must locate the cartridge needed and transfer the data to disk or main memory before it can process the data. Another faster kind of mass storage exist - optical disks.
           4.The most promising secondary storage technology, optical storage, involves the use of a high power laser beam to burn microscopic spots in an aluminum disk's surface coating. Data is represented by presence (binary 1) and the absence (binary 0) of holes in the storage locations. A much lower power laser beam is used to retrieve the data. The patterns of posts detected by the laser (during a read operation) are converted into electrical signal used by die computer.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая информация:

“An Englishman’s house is his castle.”


a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

ЗАДАНИЕ № 29 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Mass storage systems and optical disks

           The ability to use both multiple reels of tape and removable disk packs does extend an organization's ability to store a large amount of data. However magnetic tape does not support direct access storage. And removable disk packs provide some flexibility.
           Mass storage systems are composed of honecomb-like cells that hold as many as 2,000 data cartridges, each of which can store 50 Mb data. Each cartridge contains a strip of magnetic tape about 3 inches wide and form 150 to 770 inches long. Each bank of cartridges is serviced by a mechanical unit that retrieves the cartridges individually and positions them under a special read/write head for data transfer. IBM and Control Data Corporation both offer mass storage systems similar in capacity and capabilities. The IBM system is designed so that the data is transferred from the cartridge to a high ¬speed fixed disk. The Control Data System is designed so that the contents of the entire cartridge can be loaded directly into main memory, which provides much faster access to the data.
           Mass storage systems are faster than regular tape-reel-based systems, but they're slower than disk only systems because the CPU must locate the cartridge needed and transfer the data to disk or main memory before it can process the data. Another faster kind of mass storage exist - optical disks.
           The most promising secondary storage technology, optical storage, involves the use of a high power laser beam to burn microscopic spots in an aluminum disk's surface coating. Data is represented by presence (binary 1) and the absence (binary 0) of holes in the storage locations. A much lower power laser beam is used to retrieve the data. The patterns of posts detected by the laser (during a read operation) are converted into electrical signal used by die computer.

Ответьте на вопрос

What is converted into electrical signal used by die computer?


a) The Control Data System b) Data cartridges
c) Optical disks d) The patterns of posts detected by the laser

ЗАДАНИЕ № 30 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Mass storage systems and optical disks

           The ability to use both multiple reels of tape and removable disk packs does extend an organization's ability to store a large amount of data. However magnetic tape does not support direct access storage. And removable disk packs provide some flexibility.
           Mass storage systems are composed of honecomb-like cells that hold as many as 2,000 data cartridges, each of which can store 50 Mb data. Each cartridge contains a strip of magnetic tape about 3 inches wide and form 150 to 770 inches long. Each bank of cartridges is serviced by a mechanical unit that retrieves the cartridges individually and positions them under a special read/write head for data transfer. IBM and Control Data Corporation both offer mass storage systems similar in capacity and capabilities. The IBM system is designed so that the data is transferred from the cartridge to a high ¬speed fixed disk. The Control Data System is designed so that the contents of the entire cartridge can be loaded directly into main memory, which provides much faster access to the data.
           Mass storage systems are faster than regular tape-reel-based systems, but they're slower than disk only systems because the CPU must locate the cartridge needed and transfer the data to disk or main memory before it can process the data. Another faster kind of mass storage exist - optical disks.
           The most promising secondary storage technology, optical storage, involves the use of a high power laser beam to burn microscopic spots in an aluminum disk's surface coating. Data is represented by presence (binary 1) and the absence (binary 0) of holes in the storage locations. A much lower power laser beam is used to retrieve the data. The patterns of posts detected by the laser (during a read operation) are converted into electrical signal used by die computer.

Определите основную идею текста


a) Mass storage systems and their layout b) Evolution of storage technology
c) Improvement of storage systems d) Dench – mounted milling machine


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