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Вариант №5

ЗАДАНИЕ №1 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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You speak English ____.

a) best b) good
c) correctly d) well

ЗАДАНИЕ № 2 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Can you ___me some coffee?


a) make b) cook
c) do d) pick

ЗАДАНИЕ № 3 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Engineers use __________to produce practical answers.


a) theory b) discipline
c) subject d) field

ЗАДАНИЕ № 4 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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____________ is a small device that you move across a surface with your hand to control the movement of the cursor.

a) scanner b) keyboard
c) mouse d) monitor

ЗАДАНИЕ № 5 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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John F. Kennedy was the youngest president of the United States and____to be murdered.


a) four b) the fourth
c) the four d) fourth

ЗАДАНИЕ № 6 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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I'd like you to meet a very good friend of__________, Robert White.


a) us b) ours
c) we d) our

ЗАДАНИЕ № 7 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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People use__________words and gestures to express their feelings.


a) both b) neither
c) either d) also

ЗАДАНИЕ № 8 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Yesterday he ____________ run very quickly.

a) wasn't b) didn't
c) no d) not

ЗАДАНИЕ № 9 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Jim hasn’t been there ___________three years.

a) since b) for
c) ago d) at

ЗАДАНИЕ № 10 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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This is a new watch__________my uncle bought it for me.

a) while b) why
c) because d) which

ЗАДАНИЕ № 11 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Fred knows Siberia well because he _________ a lot there.

a) has been traveling b) has traveled
c) had traveled d) traveled

ЗАДАНИЕ № 12 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Mother wasn't at home when I came. She ______________out half an hour before.

a) has gone b) had been going
c) had gone d) went

ЗАДАНИЕ № 13 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Look. It is snowing heavily. I hope it ______________(stop) snowing by tomorrow morning.

a) has been snowing b) will stop
c) will have been stopping d) will have stopped

ЗАДАНИЕ № 14 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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She __________ have been hurt by my words about her boyfriend

a) should b) might
c) must d) needn’t

ЗАДАНИЕ № 15 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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A: I’d like some eggs, please.

B: "_____________."
a) Certainly. Anything else? b) What does it look like?
c) It is fantastic. d) Excuse me.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 16 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

A: ______________ I can’t help you with the shopping for the party. I haven’t finished cleaning the house yet.

B: Don’t worry about it.

a) All right b) Never mind
c) I’m afraid . d) Too busy

ЗАДАНИЕ № 17 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

A: Let’s go skiing, shall we?

B: ________________, but I can’t. I’ve promised to go out with Pam.

a) Can I help you b) I’d love to
c) What shall we d) If I were you

ЗАДАНИЕ № 18 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

A: ____________matter?

B: I’ve got the flue.

a) Would you like b) How much
c) Could I have d) What’s the

ЗАДАНИЕ № 19 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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_____________ rules the UK.

a) The Queen b) The House of Lords
c) the Prime Minister d) The House of Commons

ЗАДАНИЕ № 20 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The US Congress consists of ____________________________.

a) The Queen and the Prime Minister b) The President and the government
c) The House of Lords and the House of Commons d) The Senate and the House of Representatives

ЗАДАНИЕ № 21 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The Canadian Parliament includes ____________________________.

a) The House of Commons and the Senate b) The House of Lords and the House of Commons
c) The President and the government d) The Senate and the House of Representatives

ЗАДАНИЕ № 22 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Why do the Americans celebrate the 4th of July?

a) The first moon launching b) The end of the Civil War
c) The adoption of the Declaration of Independence d) The President birthday


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1. «Good morning. I'd like to start by welcoming you and your teacher to FK Industries.
2. The purpose of today's visit is to show you our new CAM - or CNC - system. As I expect you all know, CAM means Computer Assisted Manufacturing and CNC is Computer Numerical Control. Before I show you that system, I'll just remind you what the two earlier stages in the process are: one, developing the design and two, the prototype model. When we've completed these two stages, the next step is to start making the items so we can start selling them.
3. Our CNC system takes the information from the CAD, Computer Assisted Design, system and gives it to the lathes in the factory. The system can be used for other types of machines but we use lathes so that is what you'll see today.
4. Before we start our tour of the factory, I'll tell you what I think the main advantages of CNC are: human error is reduced, the machines always work in the best way because they adjust their settings automatically and, of course, every component produced is identical. Maybe you'll think of some more advantages as we walk through the factory.
5. As we walk through the factory, please stay with the group and walk behind the yellow lines on the floors. The tour takes about thirty minutes and there will be time for questions at the end of the tour. So, if you'll follow me, we'll start».

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The speaker is a teacher.

a) ложным
b) истинным
с)в тексте нет информации ЗАДАНИЕ № 24

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1. «Good morning. I'd like to start by welcoming you and your teacher to FK Industries.
2. The purpose of today's visit is to show you our new CAM - or CNC - system. As I expect you all know, CAM means Computer Assisted Manufacturing and CNC is Computer Numerical Control. Before I show you that system, I'll just remind you what the two earlier stages in the process are: one, developing the design and two, the prototype model. When we've completed these two stages, the next step is to start making the items so we can start selling them.
3. Our CNC system takes the information from the CAD, Computer Assisted Design, system and gives it to the lathes in the factory. The system can be used for other types of machines but we use lathes so that is what you'll see today.
4. Before we start our tour of the factory, I'll tell you what I think the main advantages of CNC are: human error is reduced, the machines always work in the best way because they adjust their settings automatically and, of course, every component produced is identical. Maybe you'll think of some more advantages as we walk through the factory.
5. As we walk through the factory, please stay with the group and walk behind the yellow lines on the floors. The tour takes about thirty minutes and there will be time for questions at the end of the tour. So, if you'll follow me, we'll start».

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The speaker is talking about a factory system.

a) ложным
b) Истинным
с)в тексте нет информации


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1. «Good morning. I'd like to start by welcoming you and your teacher to FK Industries.
2. The purpose of today's visit is to show you our new CAM - or CNC - system. As I expect you all know, CAM means Computer Assisted Manufacturing and CNC is Computer Numerical Control. Before I show you that system, I'll just remind you what the two earlier stages in the process are: one, developing the design and two, the prototype model. When we've completed these two stages, the next step is to start making the items so we can start selling them.
3. Our CNC system takes the information from the CAD, Computer Assisted Design, system and gives it to the lathes in the factory. The system can be used for other types of machines but we use lathes so that is what you'll see today.
4. Before we start our tour of the factory, I'll tell you what I think the main advantages of CNC are: human error is reduced, the machines always work in the best way because they adjust their settings automatically and, of course, every component produced is identical. Maybe you'll think of some more advantages as we walk through the factory.
5. As we walk through the factory, please stay with the group and walk behind the yellow lines on the floors. The tour takes about thirty minutes and there will be time for questions at the end of the tour. So, if you'll follow me, we'll start».

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The speaker is talking about jobs in the factory.

a) ложным
b) истинным
с)в тексте нет информации ЗАДАНИЕ № 26

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1. «Good morning. I'd like to start by welcoming you and your teacher to FK Industries.
2. The purpose of today's visit is to show you our new CAM - or CNC - system. As I expect you all know, CAM means Computer Assisted Manufacturing and CNC is Computer Numerical Control. Before I show you that system, I'll just remind you what the two earlier stages in the process are: one, developing the design and two, the prototype model. When we've completed these two stages, the next step is to start making the items so we can start selling them.
3. Our CNC system takes the information from the CAD, Computer Assisted Design, system and gives it to the lathes in the factory. The system can be used for other types of machines but we use lathes so that is what you'll see today.
4. Before we start our tour of the factory, I'll tell you what I think the main advantages of CNC are: human error is reduced, the machines always work in the best way because they adjust their settings automatically and, of course, every component produced is identical. Maybe you'll think of some more advantages as we walk through the factory.
5. As we walk through the factory, please stay with the group and walk behind the yellow lines on the floors. The tour takes about thirty minutes and there will be time for questions at the end of the tour. So, if you'll follow me, we'll start».

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The speaker is talking to other engineers.

a) ложным
b) истинным
с)в тексте нет информации


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1. «Good morning. I'd like to start by welcoming you and your teacher to FK Industries.
2. The purpose of today's visit is to show you our new CAM - or CNC - system. As I expect you all know, CAM means Computer Assisted Manufacturing and CNC is Computer Numerical Control. Before I show you that system, I'll just remind you what the two earlier stages in the process are: one, developing the design and two, the prototype model. When we've completed these two stages, the next step is to start making the items so we can start selling them.
3. Our CNC system takes the information from the CAD, Computer Assisted Design, system and gives it to the lathes in the factory. The system can be used for other types of machines but we use lathes so that is what you'll see today.
4. Before we start our tour of the factory, I'll tell you what I think the main advantages of CNC are: human error is reduced, the machines always work in the best way because they adjust their settings automatically and, of course, every component produced is identical. Maybe you'll think of some more advantages as we walk through the factory.
5. As we walk through the factory, please stay with the group and walk behind the yellow lines on the floors. The tour takes about thirty minutes and there will be time for questions at the end of the tour. So, if you'll follow me, we'll start».

Укажите, какой части текста (a,b,c,d,e) соответствует следующая информация:

Benefits of the system.

Варианты ответа:
a) 4 b) 3
c) 1 d) 2
e) 5


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1. «Good morning. I'd like to start by welcoming you and your teacher to FK Industries.
2. The purpose of today's visit is to show you our new CAM - or CNC - system. As I expect you all know, CAM means Computer Assisted Manufacturing and CNC is Computer Numerical Control. Before I show you that system, I'll just remind you what the two earlier stages in the process are: one, developing the design and two, the prototype model. When we've completed these two stages, the next step is to start making the items so we can start selling them.
3. Our CNC system takes the information from the CAD, Computer Assisted Design, system and gives it to the lathes in the factory. The system can be used for other types of machines but we use lathes so that is what you'll see today.
4. Before we start our tour of the factory, I'll tell you what I think the main advantages of CNC are: human error is reduced, the machines always work in the best way because they adjust their settings automatically and, of course, every component produced is identical. Maybe you'll think of some more advantages as we walk through the factory.
5. As we walk through the factory, please stay with the group and walk behind the yellow lines on the floors. The tour takes about thirty minutes and there will be time for questions at the end of the tour. So, if you'll follow me, we'll start».

Укажите, какой части текста (a,b,c,d,e) соответствует следующая информация:

Background information

Варианты ответа:
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4
e) 5


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1. «Good morning. I'd like to start by welcoming you and your teacher to FK Industries.
2. The purpose of today's visit is to show you our new CAM - or CNC - system. As I expect you all know, CAM means Computer Assisted Manufacturing and CNC is Computer Numerical Control. Before I show you that system, I'll just remind you what the two earlier stages in the process are: one, developing the design and two, the prototype model. When we've completed these two stages, the next step is to start making the items so we can start selling them.
3. Our CNC system takes the information from the CAD, Computer Assisted Design, system and gives it to the lathes in the factory. The system can be used for other types of machines but we use lathes so that is what you'll see today.
4. Before we start our tour of the factory, I'll tell you what I think the main advantages of CNC are: human error is reduced, the machines always work in the best way because they adjust their settings automatically and, of course, every component produced is identical. Maybe you'll think of some more advantages as we walk through the factory.
5. As we walk through the factory, please stay with the group and walk behind the yellow lines on the floors. The tour takes about thirty minutes and there will be time for questions at the end of the tour. So, if you'll follow me, we'll start».

Ответьте на вопрос:

What is the purpose of a factory tour?

Варианты ответа:

a) to entertain
b) To show new CAM system
c) to start making the items
d) To think of some more advantages


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1. «Good morning. I'd like to start by welcoming you and your teacher to FK Industries.
2. The purpose of today's visit is to show you our new CAM - or CNC - system. As I expect you all know, CAM means Computer Assisted Manufacturing and CNC is Computer Numerical Control. Before I show you that system, I'll just remind you what the two earlier stages in the process are: one, developing the design and two, the prototype model. When we've completed these two stages, the next step is to start making the items so we can start selling them.
3. Our CNC system takes the information from the CAD, Computer Assisted Design, system and gives it to the lathes in the factory. The system can be used for other types of machines but we use lathes so that is what you'll see today.
4. Before we start our tour of the factory, I'll tell you what I think the main advantages of CNC are: human error is reduced, the machines always work in the best way because they adjust their settings automatically and, of course, every component produced is identical. Maybe you'll think of some more advantages as we walk through the factory.
5. As we walk through the factory, please stay with the group and walk behind the yellow lines on the floors. The tour takes about thirty minutes and there will be time for questions at the end of the tour. So, if you'll follow me, we'll start».

What system can CNC operate?

Варианты ответа:

a) CAM
b) CNC
c) CAD
d) FK


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