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Вариант №2

ЗАДАНИЕ №1 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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When did you _____ from your University?

a) finish b) graduate
c) go d) leave

ЗАДАНИЕ № 2 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

We will do our ____ to sign the contract.


a) less b) most
c) best d) good

ЗАДАНИЕ № 3 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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New materials must ____ the needs of modern technology.An automatic machine ……can do this work itself.


a) meet b) feel
c) answer d) see

ЗАДАНИЕ № 4 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The data needed for solving problems are kept in the ___.

a) Memory b) keyboard
c) Input device d) Output device

ЗАДАНИЕ № 5 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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___ and second-year students study general educational subjects.


a) the one b) the fourth
c) the first d) the two

ЗАДАНИЕ № 6 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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A cousin of ____ is a well-known writer.


a) me b) my
c) myself d) mine

ЗАДАНИЕ № 7 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Do you like buying expensive things or cheap____?


a) ones b) thing
c) one d) thingsr

ЗАДАНИЕ № 8 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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They ___ expect us to be back so soon.

a) wasn't b) didn't
c) no d) not

ЗАДАНИЕ № 9 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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My friend has been ill ___ Monday.

a) since b) for
c) from d) at

ЗАДАНИЕ № 10 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Unfortunately I can’t speak English. I wish I ___ it at school.

a) study b) had studied
c) studied d) )has studied

ЗАДАНИЕ № 11 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Look! The weather ____ and we can go for a walk.

a) has changed b) changes
c) had changed d) changed

ЗАДАНИЕ № 12 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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When Mr. and Mrs. Smith arrived home, they discovered that someone ___ into their house.

a) has broken b) breaks
c) had broken d) broke

ЗАДАНИЕ № 13 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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I hope you _______ all your exams by next Saturday.

a) have passed b) will pass
c) will have been passing d) will have passed

ЗАДАНИЕ № 14 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Our students know that all library books must ____ before each summer vacation.

a) to return b) returned
c) return d) be returned

ЗАДАНИЕ № 15 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
A: Thank you very much for having us.

B: _______________________
a) With pleasure. b) The pleasure was all mine.
c) It doesn’t matter. d) I don’t care.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 16 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

A: What do you think of our aircraft instruments?

B: _____________.

a) We’ll live and see. b) We’ll get in touch with you.
c) We think a lot of them. d) We’d like to think over it.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 17 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

A: Would you mind my using your book?

B: ________________.

a) Take it easy. b) O.K., go ahead.
c) I can’t take it any more. d) O.K., let’s go.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 18 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

A: When would you like the contract to be signed?

B: _____________.

a) The sooner, the better. b) See you soon.
c) So much the better. d) Better late than never.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 19 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Great Britain doesn’t include ______

a) England b) England
c) Wales d) Northern Ireland

ЗАДАНИЕ № 20 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The US Congress consists of ____________________________.

a) The Queen and the Prime Minister b) The President and the government
c) The House of Lords and the House of Commons d) The Senate and the House of Representatives

ЗАДАНИЕ № 21 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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______is the biggest French-speaking city in the world after Paris.

a) Oxford b) Oslo
c) Montreal d) Montreal

ЗАДАНИЕ № 22 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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When do the Americans celebrate the Independence Day?

a) February 14 b) last Monday in May
c) July 4 d) first Monday in September


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Mechanical Engineering.

1. Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types; they also work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kind of structures.
2. The mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.
3. Scientific methods of engineering are applied in several fields not connected directly to manufacture and construction. Modern engineering is characterized by the broad application of what is known as systems engineering principles.
4. Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers.
5. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. This type of engineering work is called time-study engineering.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Engineers deal both with machines and with workers to improve their efficiency.

a) ложным
b) Истинным
с)в тексте нет информации ЗАДАНИЕ № 24

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Mechanical Engineering.

1. Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types; they also work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kind of structures.
2. The mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.
3. Scientific methods of engineering are applied in several fields not connected directly to manufacture and construction. Modern engineering is characterized by the broad application of what is known as systems engineering principles.
4. Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers.
5. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. This type of engineering work is called time-study engineering.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The mechanical engineer doesn’t study machine design.

a) ложным
b) Истинным
с)в тексте нет информации


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Mechanical Engineering.

1. Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types; they also work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kind of structures.
2. The mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.
3. Scientific methods of engineering are applied in several fields not connected directly to manufacture and construction. Modern engineering is characterized by the broad application of what is known as systems engineering principles.
4. Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers.
5. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. This type of engineering work is called time-study engineering.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

A related field of engineering is human- factors engineering.

a) ложным
b) Истинным
с)в тексте нет информации ЗАДАНИЕ № 26

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Mechanical Engineering.

1. Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types; they also work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kind of structures.
2. The mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.
3. Scientific methods of engineering are applied in several fields not connected directly to manufacture and construction. Modern engineering is characterized by the broad application of what is known as systems engineering principles.
4. Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers.
5. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. This type of engineering work is called time-study engineering.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The mechanical engineer can operate machinery of all types.

a) ложным
b) Истинным
с)в тексте нет информации


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Mechanical Engineering.

1. Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types; they also work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kind of structures.
2. The mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.
3. Scientific methods of engineering are applied in several fields not connected directly to manufacture and construction. Modern engineering is characterized by the broad application of what is known as systems engineering principles.
4. Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers.
5. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. This type of engineering work is called time-study engineering.

Укажите, какой части текста (a,b,c,d,e) соответствует следующая информация:

Engineering sciences.

Варианты ответа:
a) 4 b) 3
c) 1 d) 2


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Mechanical Engineering.

1. Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types; they also work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kind of structures.
2. The mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.
3. Scientific methods of engineering are applied in several fields not connected directly to manufacture and construction. Modern engineering is characterized by the broad application of what is known as systems engineering principles.
4. Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers.
5. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. This type of engineering work is called time-study engineering.

Укажите, какой части текста (a,b,c,d,e) соответствует следующая информация:

Types of machines.

Варианты ответа:
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4


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Mechanical Engineering.

1. Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types; they also work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kind of structures.
2. The mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.
3. Scientific methods of engineering are applied in several fields not connected directly to manufacture and construction. Modern engineering is characterized by the broad application of what is known as systems engineering principles.
4. Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers.
5. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. This type of engineering work is called time-study engineering.

Ответьте на вопрос:

What can make a machine work more efficiently?

Варианты ответа:

a) hammering
b) a change of its position
c) bending
d)a change of its colour


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Mechanical Engineering.

1. Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types; they also work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kind of structures.
2. The mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.
3. Scientific methods of engineering are applied in several fields not connected directly to manufacture and construction. Modern engineering is characterized by the broad application of what is known as systems engineering principles.
4. Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers.
5. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. This type of engineering work is called time-study engineering.

Ответьте на вопрос:

What can make a machine work more efficiently?

Варианты ответа:

b) metallurgy


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