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Вариант №3

ЗАДАНИЕ № 1 (- выберите один вариант ответа)



a) Dimension b) subject
c) Research d) Field

ЗАДАНИЕ № 2 (- выберите один вариант ответа)



a) Thing b) Volume
c) Weight d) Matter

ЗАДАНИЕ № 3 (- выберите один вариант ответа)


a) Решение b) Открытие
c) Сравнение d) Различие

ЗАДАНИЕ № 4 (- выберите один вариант ответа)


a) Часть b) Свойство
c) Давление d) Мощность

ЗАДАНИЕ № 5 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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Good news….. always welcome.


a) Is b) Was
c) Are d) Am

ЗАДАНИЕ № 6 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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John built the canoe….. .


a) him b) her
c) himself d) his

ЗАДАНИЕ № 7 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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….. a few years Albert Enstein lived in Prague


a) for b) ????????
c) on d) ????????

ЗАДАНИЕ № 8 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Расставьте слова в правильном порядке

How, any, mechanic,could,do,this,job,well?


a) Could any mechanic do this job how well?
b) How well could any mechanic do this job?
c) Any mechanic could well do this job.
d) How well any mechanic could do this job?

ЗАДАНИЕ № 9 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Let them analyze the results of the test.

a) Проанализируйте результаты испытания. b) Пусть они проанализируют результаты испытаний.
c) Давайте мы проанализируем результаты испытаний. d) Если хотите, проанализируйте результата испытаний.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 10 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Заполните пропуск

The liquid takes up the shape of a vessel in…. it is contained.

a) whose b) who
c) that d) which

ЗАДАНИЕ № 11 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The wind…..very strongly tonight. Can,t you hear it?

a) blows b) is blowing
c) was blowing d) will be blow

ЗАДАНИЕ № 12 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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At two o,clock yesterday I …. TV.

a) was watching b) is watching
c) have been watching d) watched

ЗАДАНИЕ № 13 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The ship ….. the channel at 9 o,clock next Wednesday.

a) will be crossing b) is crossing
c) crossed d) had crossed

ЗАДАНИЕ № 14 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Заполните пропуск

Yesterday I …….to make a report.

a) told b) was told
c) has told d) was telling

ЗАДАНИЕ № 15 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Good morning. I would like to speak to Mr. Brown.
Secretary: "---------------------------."

a) Yes, do please. b) I am sorry, he is out.
c) You are welcome. d) Who is he?

ЗАДАНИЕ № 16 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Ann :” Get well soon.”
Kate :”---------------“

a) Cheers! b) The same to you.
c) Good luck. d) Thank you for your kind wishes.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 17 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Teacher: "Have you already collected the necessary
material for the report?" Student:”------------------------“

a) Oh, dear, you look awful. b) Yes, I do .
c) No? That’s not necessary. d) Yes, I have.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 18 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Listener: “I am afraid I can,t agree."

a) Nonsense. b) I see your point but…...
c) I don, t care. d) You are kidding.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 19 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

What are the main political parties the USA?

a) Democratic and Republican b) Democratic and Labour
c) Democratic and Conservative d) Republican and Labour

ЗАДАНИЕ № 20 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

What chambers is the Congress of the US composed of ?

a) The Democratic Party and the House of Representatives b) The Senate and the House of Representatives
c) The House of Lords and Senate d) The Senate and the House of Commons

ЗАДАНИЕ № 21 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

What term is the President of the USA elected for?

a) 5 years b) 4 years
c) 7 years d) 4,5 years


Ответить на вопрос

How many states are there in the USA?

a) 52 b) 50
c) 54 d) 56

ЗАДАНИЕ № 23 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания

The Welsh Eisteddfod

           No country in the world has a greater love of music and poetry than the people of Wales. Today, Eisteddfod is held at scores of places throughout Wales, particularly from May to early November. The habit of holding similar events dates back to early history and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the twelfth century. The Eisteddfod sprang from the Gorsedd, or National Assembly of Bards. It was held occasionally up to 1819, but since then has become an annual event for the encouragement of Welsh literature and music and the preservation of the Welsh language and ancient national customs.
           The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales is held annually early in August, in North and South Wales alternately, its actual venue varying from year to year. It attracts Welsh people from all over the world. The programme includes male and mixed choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events, drama, arts and crafts and, of course, the ceremony of the Crowning of the Bard.
           Next in importance is the great Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, held early in July and attended by competitors from many countries, all wearing their picturesque and often colourful national costumes. It is an event probably without parallel anywhere in the world. There are at least twenty-five other major Eisteddfods from May to November.
           In addition to the Eisteddfod, about thirty major Welsh Singing Festivals are held throughout Wales from May until early November.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

There are many countries in the world that have a greater love of music than the people of Wales.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 24 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The Welsh Eisteddfod

           No country in the world has a greater love of music and poetry than the people of Wales. Today, Eisteddfod is held at scores of places throughout Wales, particularly from May to early November. The habit of holding similar events dates back to early history and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the twelfth century. The Eisteddfod sprang from the Gorsedd, or National Assembly of Bards. It was held occasionally up to 1819, but since then has become an annual event for the encouragement of Welsh literature and music and the preservation of the Welsh language and ancient national customs.
           The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales is held annually early in August, in North and South Wales alternately, its actual venue varying from year to year. It attracts Welsh people from all over the world. The programme includes male and mixed choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events, drama, arts and crafts and, of course, the ceremony of the Crowning of the Bard.
           Next in importance is the great Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, held early in July and attended by competitors from many countries, all wearing their picturesque and often colourful national costumes. It is an event probably without parallel anywhere in the world. There are at least twenty-five other major Eisteddfods from May to November.
           In addition to the Eisteddfod, about thirty major Welsh Singing Festivals are held throughout Wales from May until early November.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Englishmen are tired of saying “Thank you”, “I’m sorry”, “Beg you pardon”.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 25 ( -выберите один вариант ответа)

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The Welsh Eisteddfod

           No country in the world has a greater love of music and poetry than the people of Wales. Today, Eisteddfod is held at scores of places throughout Wales, particularly from May to early November. The habit of holding similar events dates back to early history and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the twelfth century. The Eisteddfod sprang from the Gorsedd, or National Assembly of Bards. It was held occasionally up to 1819, but since then has become an annual event for the encouragement of Welsh literature and music and the preservation of the Welsh language and ancient national customs.
           The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales is held annually early in August, in North and South Wales alternately, its actual venue varying from year to year. It attracts Welsh people from all over the world. The programme includes male and mixed choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events, drama, arts and crafts and, of course, the ceremony of the Crowning of the Bard.
           Next in importance is the great Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, held early in July and attended by competitors from many countries, all wearing their picturesque and often colourful national costumes. It is an event probably without parallel anywhere in the world. There are at least twenty-five other major Eisteddfods from May to November.
           In addition to the Eisteddfod, about thirty major Welsh Singing Festivals are held throughout Wales from May until early November.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The programme includes only brass-band concerts.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 26 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The Welsh Eisteddfod

           No country in the world has a greater love of music and poetry than the people of Wales. Today, Eisteddfod is held at scores of places throughout Wales, particularly from May to early November. The habit of holding similar events dates back to early history and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the twelfth century. The Eisteddfod sprang from the Gorsedd, or National Assembly of Bards. It was held occasionally up to 1819, but since then has become an annual event for the encouragement of Welsh literature and music and the preservation of the Welsh language and ancient national customs.
           The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales is held annually early in August, in North and South Wales alternately, its actual venue varying from year to year. It attracts Welsh people from all over the world. The programme includes male and mixed choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events, drama, arts and crafts and, of course, the ceremony of the Crowning of the Bard.
           Next in importance is the great Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, held early in July and attended by competitors from many countries, all wearing their picturesque and often colourful national costumes. It is an event probably without parallel anywhere in the world. There are at least twenty-five other major Eisteddfods from May to November.
           In addition to the Eisteddfod, about thirty major Welsh Singing Festivals are held throughout Wales from May until early November.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales is held early in July.

a) Ложным
b) Истинным
с) В тексте нет информации

ЗАДАНИЕ № 27 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The Welsh Eisteddfod

           1.No country in the world has a greater love of music and poetry than the people of Wales. Today, Eisteddfod is held at scores of places throughout Wales, particularly from May to early November. The habit of holding similar events dates back to early history and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the twelfth century. The Eisteddfod sprang from the Gorsedd, or National Assembly of Bards. It was held occasionally up to 1819, but since then has become an annual event for the encouragement of Welsh literature and music and the preservation of the Welsh language and ancient national customs.
           2.The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales is held annually early in August, in North and South Wales alternately, its actual venue varying from year to year. It attracts Welsh people from all over the world. The programme includes male and mixed choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events, drama, arts and crafts and, of course, the ceremony of the Crowning of the Bard.
           3.Next in importance is the great Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, held early in July and attended by competitors from many countries, all wearing their picturesque and often colourful national costumes. It is an event probably without parallel anywhere in the world. There are at least twenty-five other major Eisteddfods from May to November.
           4.In addition to the Eisteddfod, about thirty major Welsh Singing Festivals are held throughout Wales from May until early November.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая информация:

The programme includes male and mixed choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events, drama, arts and crafts and, of course, the ceremony of the Crowning of the Bard.


a) 4 b) 3
c) 1 d) 2

ЗАДАНИЕ № 28 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The Welsh Eisteddfod

           1. No country in the world has a greater love of music and poetry than the people of Wales. Today, Eisteddfod is held at scores of places throughout Wales, particularly from May to early November. The habit of holding similar events dates back to early history and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the twelfth century. The Eisteddfod sprang from the Gorsedd, or National Assembly of Bards. It was held occasionally up to 1819, but since then has become an annual event for the encouragement of Welsh literature and music and the preservation of the Welsh language and ancient national customs.
           2.The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales is held annually early in August, in North and South Wales alternately, its actual venue varying from year to year. It attracts Welsh people from all over the world. The programme includes male and mixed choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events, drama, arts and crafts and, of course, the ceremony of the Crowning of the Bard.
           3.Next in importance is the great Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, held early in July and attended by competitors from many countries, all wearing their picturesque and often colourful national costumes. It is an event probably without parallel anywhere in the world. There are at least twenty-five other major Eisteddfods from May to November.
           4.In addition to the Eisteddfod, about thirty major Welsh Singing Festivals are held throughout Wales from May until early November.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая информация:

In addition to the Eisteddfod, about 30 major Welsh Singing Festivals are held throughout Wales from May until early November.


a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

ЗАДАНИЕ № 29 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The Welsh Eisteddfod

           No country in the world has a greater love of music and poetry than the people of Wales. Today, Eisteddfod is held at scores of places throughout Wales, particularly from May to early November. The habit of holding similar events dates back to early history and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the twelfth century. The Eisteddfod sprang from the Gorsedd, or National Assembly of Bards. It was held occasionally up to 1819, but since then has become an annual event for the encouragement of Welsh literature and music and the preservation of the Welsh language and ancient national customs.
           The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales is held annually early in August, in North and South Wales alternately, its actual venue varying from year to year. It attracts Welsh people from all over the world. The programme includes male and mixed choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events, drama, arts and crafts and, of course, the ceremony of the Crowning of the Bard.
           Next in importance is the great Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, held early in July and attended by competitors from many countries, all wearing their picturesque and often colourful national costumes. It is an event probably without parallel anywhere in the world. There are at least twenty-five other major Eisteddfods from May to November.
           In addition to the Eisteddfod, about thirty major Welsh Singing Festivals are held throughout Wales from May until early November.

Ответьте на вопрос

When is the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales held?


a) He likes big territories b) In July
c) In winter d) In August

ЗАДАНИЕ № 30 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

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The Welsh Eisteddfod

           No country in the world has a greater love of music and poetry than the people of Wales. Today, Eisteddfod is held at scores of places throughout Wales, particularly from May to early November. The habit of holding similar events dates back to early history and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the twelfth century. The Eisteddfod sprang from the Gorsedd, or National Assembly of Bards. It was held occasionally up to 1819, but since then has become an annual event for the encouragement of Welsh literature and music and the preservation of the Welsh language and ancient national customs.
           The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales is held annually early in August, in North and South Wales alternately, its actual venue varying from year to year. It attracts Welsh people from all over the world. The programme includes male and mixed choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events, drama, arts and crafts and, of course, the ceremony of the Crowning of the Bard.
           Next in importance is the great Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, held early in July and attended by competitors from many countries, all wearing their picturesque and often colourful national costumes. It is an event probably without parallel anywhere in the world. There are at least twenty-five other major Eisteddfods from May to November.
           In addition to the Eisteddfod, about thirty major Welsh Singing Festivals are held throughout Wales from May until early November.

Определите основную идею текста


a) Eisteddfod is a musical festival b) Eisteddfod is an event probably without parallel anywhere in the world.
c) Eisteddfod is a Royal fest. d) The history of Eisteddfod.


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