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Вариант № 3
1. Заполните пропуск
He is in London now. He will ……… to Paris in ten days.

a) give back b) restore
c) return d) give up

2. Заполните пропуск 
Don’t forget to say about your qualifications and your ……… at the interview.

a) childhood b) parents
c) experience d) cable

3. Заполните пропуск
Engineers ……… science and math to every aspect of modern life.

a) calculate b) apply
c) mark d) radiate

4. Заполните пропуск
Materials engineers play key roles in the ……… of primary materials (including recycling), the processing of materials, and the manufacture of final products.

a) oxidation b) production
c) drawing d) duty

5. Заполните пропуск
Unfortunately he can be very care- ……… at times.

a) –ous b) –ive
c) –ly d) –less

6. Заполните пропуск
Are there  ………  floppy disks?

a) some b) any
c) either d) neither

7.Заполните пропуск

Wake up ………  you will miss your train.

a) but b) and
c) that d) or

8.Заполните пропуск

He went ………  Paris to meet his partners.

a) with b) to
c) by d) in

9.Заполните пропуск

………, which helps young people who are looking for their first jobs.

a) In Britain there is a special service for school leavers b) There is in Britain a special service for school leavers
c) In Britain there is for school leavers a special service   There is in Britain for school leavers a special service

10. Заполните пропуск
You must not eat too   ………     ice-cream. It is very cold.

a) many b) much
c) little d) few

11. Заполните пропуск
Jack ……… the only son in the family.

a) been b) is
c) are d) am

12. Заполните пропуск
When he ………   the house there were a lot of journalists and cameramen.

a) leave b) leaves
c) left d) had left

13. Заполните пропуск
You’ll ……… to work hard to enter this university next year.

a) had b) has
c) have d) have had

14. Заполните пропуск
Please, help me. I ………   translate the text without your help.

a) can’t b) don't have to
c) haven't got to d) must not

15. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Customer: “Good morning, miss. I’d like to speak to the manager.”
Manager: “……… .”

a) Of course, take it. b) How can I help you?
c) Certainly. She’s an old friend of mine. d) Oh, dear. We need to know the exact date of purchase.

16. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Teacher: “Good afternoon, Clive. Late again?”
Student: “....................”

a) Oh, yes. I’m ever so sorry. It won’t happen again. b) I don't think so.
c) Yes, do, please. d) Oh, yes. I don’t want to hear any more about it.

17. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Official:  “Passport, please. Thank you. ..................”
Norman: “London.”

a) Just for five days. b) Would you like something to drink?
c) What’s the weather like? d) Where have you come from, sir?

18. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Boss: “Debbie, have you sent that telex to Geneva?”
Employee: “....................”

a) Oh, yes. Don’t worry about it b) Yes, do, please.
c) I can’t help you. d) Oh, yes. He was just outside the news-agent’s in the High Street.

19. Заполните пропуск
English has changed so much in the last 1500 years that it would now be hardly recognizable to the ……… who brought the language across the North Sea.

a) Indians. b) Japanese
c) Anglo-Saxons d) Arabs

20. Заполните пропуск
……… is the capital of the US.

a) Washington b) Los Angeles
c) New York d) London

21. Заполните пропуск
……… are official languages of Canada.

a) English and Russian b) German
c) English and French d) Latin and French

22. Заполните пропуск
Oxford and Cambridge universities are situated in  ……… .

a) China b) the United States
c) the United Kingdom d) France

23. Прочитайте текст      
Great Britain
1.  The British Isles is a group of islands that includes Britain (the largest one), Ireland and a number of smaller islands (over five hundred small ones). Britain or Great Britain is a geographical area consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. The total area of GB is 240.000 sq. kms, its population is about 56.000.000 people. The name Britain is often also incorrectly used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. The Irish Republic (also the Republic of Ireland) is an independent state occupying the southern part of the island of Ireland.

2. In the northwest and west the UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of GB is separated from France by the English Channel. Northern Ireland (the second part of the island of Ireland) is separated from GB by the North Channel.

3. Administratively GB is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities of GB are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry. To refer to the nationality of the people of Britain or the UK, you use the adjective British. English describes people from England and should not be used to describe people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales who are Irish, Scottish and Welsh respectively.

4.The constitution of the UK developed over time and is not written down in one place. It consists of various elements, including statutes (laws made by Parliament), important court cases and established practices. The key principles of the constitution are the rule of law (everyone is subject to laws of the land) and the sovereignty of Parliament (there are no restrictions on the laws that Parliament can pass). The process of transferring power from the monarch (the Queen or King) to the people began in the 15-th century when King John was forced to restrict his power by signing the Magna Carta. Today, the monarch represents the people as Head of State but the real power lies in Parliament with the elected representatives of the people.

  5.Parliament is made up of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Each autumn, the monarch goes to Westminster for the State Opening of Parliament and reads out a speech, which sets out the Government’s plans for the year ahead. Parliament in GB exists since 1265 and is the eldest Parliament in the World.

Определите, является ли утверждение :                                 
“King John was forced to restrict his power in the 15-th century.”   

  1. В тексте нет информации
  2. Истинным
  3. Ложным

Great Britain
1.  The British Isles is a group of islands that includes Britain (the largest one), Ireland and a number of smaller islands (over five hundred small ones). Britain or Great Britain is a geographical area consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. The total area of GB is 240.000 sq. kms, its population is about 56.000.000 people. The name Britain is often also incorrectly used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. The Irish Republic (also the Republic of Ireland) is an independent state occupying the southern part of the island of Ireland.

2. In the northwest and west the UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of GB is separated from France by the English Channel. Northern Ireland (the second part of the island of Ireland) is separated from GB by the North Channel.

3. Administratively GB is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities of GB are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry. To refer to the nationality of the people of Britain or the UK, you use the adjective British. English describes people from England and should not be used to describe people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales who are Irish, Scottish and Welsh respectively.

4.The constitution of the UK developed over time and is not written down in one place. It consists of various elements, including statutes (laws made by Parliament), important court cases and established practices. The key principles of the constitution are the rule of law (everyone is subject to laws of the land) and the sovereignty of Parliament (there are no restrictions on the laws that Parliament can pass). The process of transferring power from the monarch (the Queen or King) to the people began in the 15-th century when King John was forced to restrict his power by signing the Magna Carta. Today, the monarch represents the people as Head of State but the real power lies in Parliament with the elected representatives of the people.

  5.Parliament is made up of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Each autumn, the monarch goes to Westminster for the State Opening of Parliament and reads out a speech, which sets out the Government’s plans for the year ahead. Parliament in GB exists since 1265 and is the eldest Parliament in the World.
Определите является ли утверждение:
“The UK is washed by three oceans.”

  1. В тексте нет информации
  2. Истинны
  3. Ложным

Great Britain
1.  The British Isles is a group of islands that includes Britain (the largest one), Ireland and a number of smaller islands (over five hundred small ones). Britain or Great Britain is a geographical area consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. The total area of GB is 240.000 sq. kms, its population is about 56.000.000 people. The name Britain is often also incorrectly used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. The Irish Republic (also the Republic of Ireland) is an independent state occupying the southern part of the island of Ireland.

2. In the northwest and west the UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of GB is separated from France by the English Channel. Northern Ireland (the second part of the island of Ireland) is separated from GB by the North Channel.

3. Administratively GB is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities of GB are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry. To refer to the nationality of the people of Britain or the UK, you use the adjective British. English describes people from England and should not be used to describe people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales who are Irish, Scottish and Welsh respectively.

4.The constitution of the UK developed over time and is not written down in one place. It consists of various elements, including statutes (laws made by Parliament), important court cases and established practices. The key principles of the constitution are the rule of law (everyone is subject to laws of the land) and the sovereignty of Parliament (there are no restrictions on the laws that Parliament can pass). The process of transferring power from the monarch (the Queen or King) to the people began in the 15-th century when King John was forced to restrict his power by signing the Magna Carta. Today, the monarch represents the people as Head of State but the real power lies in Parliament with the elected representatives of the people.

  5.Parliament is made up of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Each autumn, the monarch goes to Westminster for the State Opening of Parliament and reads out a speech, which sets out the Government’s plans for the year ahead. Parliament in GB exists since 1265 and is the eldest Parliament in the World.
Определите является ли утверждение:
“GB has very sound economic ties with various countries of the world, especially the Commonwealth countries.”

  1. В тексте нет информации
  2. Истинным
  3. Ложным

26. Great Britain
1.  The British Isles is a group of islands that includes Britain (the largest one), Ireland and a number of smaller islands (over five hundred small ones). Britain or Great Britain is a geographical area consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. The total area of GB is 240.000 sq. kms, its population is about 56.000.000 people. The name Britain is often also incorrectly used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. The Irish Republic (also the Republic of Ireland) is an independent state occupying the southern part of the island of Ireland.

2. In the northwest and west the UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of GB is separated from France by the English Channel. Northern Ireland (the second part of the island of Ireland) is separated from GB by the North Channel.

3. Administratively GB is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities of GB are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry. To refer to the nationality of the people of Britain or the UK, you use the adjective British. English describes people from England and should not be used to describe people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales who are Irish, Scottish and Welsh respectively.

4.The constitution of the UK developed over time and is not written down in one place. It consists of various elements, including statutes (laws made by Parliament), important court cases and established practices. The key principles of the constitution are the rule of law (everyone is subject to laws of the land) and the sovereignty of Parliament (there are no restrictions on the laws that Parliament can pass). The process of transferring power from the monarch (the Queen or King) to the people began in the 15-th century when King John was forced to restrict his power by signing the Magna Carta. Today, the monarch represents the people as Head of State but the real power lies in Parliament with the elected representatives of the people.

  5.Parliament is made up of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Each autumn, the monarch goes to Westminster for the State Opening of Parliament and reads out a speech, which sets out the Government’s plans for the year ahead. Parliament in GB exists since 1265 and is the eldest Parliament in the World.
Определите является ли утверждение:
“The main fields of British industry are machine building, shipbuilding, metallurgy, electronics etc.”

a) В тексте нет информации
b) Истинным
c) Ложным

Great Britain
1.  The British Isles is a group of islands that includes Britain (the largest one), Ireland and a number of smaller islands (over five hundred small ones). Britain or Great Britain is a geographical area consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. The total area of GB is 240.000 sq. kms, its population is about 56.000.000 people. The name Britain is often also incorrectly used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. The Irish Republic (also the Republic of Ireland) is an independent state occupying the southern part of the island of Ireland.

2. In the northwest and west the UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of GB is separated from France by the English Channel. Northern Ireland (the second part of the island of Ireland) is separated from GB by the North Channel.

3. Administratively GB is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities of GB are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry. To refer to the nationality of the people of Britain or the UK, you use the adjective British. English describes people from England and should not be used to describe people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales who are Irish, Scottish and Welsh respectively.

4.The constitution of the UK developed over time and is not written down in one place. It consists of various elements, including statutes (laws made by Parliament), important court cases and established practices. The key principles of the constitution are the rule of law (everyone is subject to laws of the land) and the sovereignty of Parliament (there are no restrictions on the laws that Parliament can pass). The process of transferring power from the monarch (the Queen or King) to the people began in the 15-th century when King John was forced to restrict his power by signing the Magna Carta. Today, the monarch represents the people as Head of State but the real power lies in Parliament with the elected representatives of the people.

  5.Parliament is made up of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Each autumn, the monarch goes to Westminster for the State Opening of Parliament and reads out a speech, which sets out the Government’s plans for the year ahead. Parliament in GB exists since 1265 and is the eldest Parliament in the World.
Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (2, 3, 4, 5) содержит следующую информацию:
“The main principles of the constitution are the rule of law and the sovereignty of Parliament.”

a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 5

Great Britain
1.  The British Isles is a group of islands that includes Britain (the largest one), Ireland and a number of smaller islands (over five hundred small ones). Britain or Great Britain is a geographical area consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. The total area of GB is 240.000 sq. kms, its population is about 56.000.000 people. The name Britain is often also incorrectly used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. The Irish Republic (also the Republic of Ireland) is an independent state occupying the southern part of the island of Ireland.

2. In the northwest and west the UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of GB is separated from France by the English Channel. Northern Ireland (the second part of the island of Ireland) is separated from GB by the North Channel.

3. Administratively GB is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities of GB are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry. To refer to the nationality of the people of Britain or the UK, you use the adjective British. English describes people from England and should not be used to describe people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales who are Irish, Scottish and Welsh respectively.

4.The constitution of the UK developed over time and is not written down in one place. It consists of various elements, including statutes (laws made by Parliament), important court cases and established practices. The key principles of the constitution are the rule of law (everyone is subject to laws of the land) and the sovereignty of Parliament (there are no restrictions on the laws that Parliament can pass). The process of transferring power from the monarch (the Queen or King) to the people began in the 15-th century when King John was forced to restrict his power by signing the Magna Carta. Today, the monarch represents the people as Head of State but the real power lies in Parliament with the elected representatives of the people.

  5.Parliament is made up of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Each autumn, the monarch goes to Westminster for the State Opening of Parliament and reads out a speech, which sets out the Government’s plans for the year ahead. Parliament in GB exists since 1265 and is the eldest Parliament in the World.
Укажите, какой из абзацев текста ( 1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:
“Belfast is one of the main cities of Northern Ireland.”

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

Great Britain
1.  The British Isles is a group of islands that includes Britain (the largest one), Ireland and a number of smaller islands (over five hundred small ones). Britain or Great Britain is a geographical area consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. The total area of GB is 240.000 sq. kms, its population is about 56.000.000 people. The name Britain is often also incorrectly used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. The Irish Republic (also the Republic of Ireland) is an independent state occupying the southern part of the island of Ireland.

2. In the northwest and west the UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of GB is separated from France by the English Channel. Northern Ireland (the second part of the island of Ireland) is separated from GB by the North Channel.

3. Administratively GB is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities of GB are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry. To refer to the nationality of the people of Britain or the UK, you use the adjective British. English describes people from England and should not be used to describe people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales who are Irish, Scottish and Welsh respectively.

4.The constitution of the UK developed over time and is not written down in one place. It consists of various elements, including statutes (laws made by Parliament), important court cases and established practices. The key principles of the constitution are the rule of law (everyone is subject to laws of the land) and the sovereignty of Parliament (there are no restrictions on the laws that Parliament can pass). The process of transferring power from the monarch (the Queen or King) to the people began in the 15-th century when King John was forced to restrict his power by signing the Magna Carta. Today, the monarch represents the people as Head of State but the real power lies in Parliament with the elected representatives of the people.

  5.Parliament is made up of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Each autumn, the monarch goes to Westminster for the State Opening of Parliament and reads out a speech, which sets out the Government’s plans for the year ahead. Parliament in GB exists since 1265 and is the eldest Parliament in the World.
Ответьте на вопрос:
“What is the difference between the UK and GB?”
Варианты ответа:

a) Great Britain is a political state and the UK is a geographical area.
b) Great Britain is a geographical area and the UK is a political state.
c) There’s no difference d) Great Britain is the capital of the UK.

Great Britain
1.  The British Isles is a group of islands that includes Britain (the largest one), Ireland and a number of smaller islands (over five hundred small ones). Britain or Great Britain is a geographical area consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. The total area of GB is 240.000 sq. kms, its population is about 56.000.000 people. The name Britain is often also incorrectly used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. The Irish Republic (also the Republic of Ireland) is an independent state occupying the southern part of the island of Ireland.

2. In the northwest and west the UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of GB is separated from France by the English Channel. Northern Ireland (the second part of the island of Ireland) is separated from GB by the North Channel.

3. Administratively GB is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities of GB are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry. To refer to the nationality of the people of Britain or the UK, you use the adjective British. English describes people from England and should not be used to describe people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales who are Irish, Scottish and Welsh respectively.

4.The constitution of the UK developed over time and is not written down in one place. It consists of various elements, including statutes (laws made by Parliament), important court cases and established practices. The key principles of the constitution are the rule of law (everyone is subject to laws of the land) and the sovereignty of Parliament (there are no restrictions on the laws that Parliament can pass). The process of transferring power from the monarch (the Queen or King) to the people began in the 15-th century when King John was forced to restrict his power by signing the Magna Carta. Today, the monarch represents the people as Head of State but the real power lies in Parliament with the elected representatives of the people.

  5.Parliament is made up of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Each autumn, the monarch goes to Westminster for the State Opening of Parliament and reads out a speech, which sets out the Government’s plans for the year ahead. Parliament in GB exists since 1265 and is the eldest Parliament in the World.
Определите основную идею текста. 
Варианты ответа:

a) Great Britain is one of the smallest countries in the world. b) The  main language of Great Britain is English.
c) The main information about Great Britain. d) Parliament in GB is the eldest Parliament in the World.

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