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1. Заполните пропуск
We entered the Technical University in order  ….. .

a) to be well – qualified specialist b) to get secondary education
c) not to go to the army d) meet new friends

2. Заполните пропуск
When we want to sign a contract we must clear up …. .

a) the term of delivery b) discounts for the production
c) the form of payment d) conditions of shipment

3. Заполните пропуск
A good engineer usually uses…. in the process of his creation.

a) the latest inventions b) only his own experience
c) deep knowledge in English d) all old methods

4. Заполните пропуск
He took… for his creation of a new machinery.

a) crews and bolts b) bolts and washers
c) different instruments and drawings d) only drawings

5. Заполните пропуск
I'm … surprised at your behaviour.

a) great b) greatly
с) greater d) the greatest

6. Заполните пропуск
Do you know …. of our soldiers’ courage during the war?

a) anybody b) anywhere
c) anyone d) anything

7. Заполните пропуск ………he doesn’t pass entering exam, he won’t be a student

a) unless b) after
c) but d) while

8. Заполните пропуск
I’m eager to go … the Urals.

a) by b) to
c) for d) in

9. Заполните пропуск
He is interested…… the latest inventions

a) at b) in
c) with d) for

10. Заполните пропуск
We  spend … time for our scientific work.

a) many b) much
c) little d) few

11. Заполните пропуск
He …interested in modern literature at all.

a) aren’t b) isn’t
c) don’t d) doesn’t

12. Заполните пропуск
In childhood my cousin ….. to listen to his elder brother’s funny stories.

a) didn’t prefer b) prefered
c) don’t prefer d) doesn’t prefer

13. Заполните пропуск
My raincoat is wet. I … when I come out again.

a) will be take it off b) will take it off
c) am going to take it off d) take it off

14. Заполните пропуск
We … go now. Call the waitress and ask for the bill.

a) can b) may
c) must d) is able to

15. Заполните пропуск
Sister: “Can you play with me? I am sad.”
Brother: “…… “.

a) Are you sure of him? b) What has happened with your dress?
c) A good idea! d) It is high time to visit him.

16. Заполните пропуск
Manager: It’s high time to make this project!
Clerk: ………….

a) Are you sure? b) What’s the problem?
c) Certainly, I agree with you. d) With pleasure!

17. Заполните пропуск
Teacher: “Why do you have bad knowledge in English?”
Student: “……. .”

a) I am not to blame to it. b) My parents didn’t help me in studies.
c) I wasn’t a serious pupil at school. d) I had not enough time to learn it.

18. Заполните пропуск
Boss: Would you mind … new business partners?
Clerk: Certainly.

a) to find b) find
c) finding d) going to find

19. Ответьте на вопросы
Where is the Great Britain situated?

a) in the north of Africa b) at the bank of the Thames
c) at the seaside of  the Atlantic ocean d) in the centre of Asia

20. Ответьте на вопросы
What country is considered to be the fourth largest one in the world?

a) Canada b) Russia
c) the USA d) the UK

21.Ответьте на вопросы
What languages are considered to be official in Canada?

a) German and English b) French and English
c) Spanish and English d) French and German

22. Ответьте на вопросы
Where are theatres closed on Sundays?

a) in  the USA b) in England
c) in France d) in Canada

23.  Прочитайте текст                              
Oxford and Cambridge.

Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from  London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine building of grey or yellow stone and many of them have stood there for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford since the thirteenth century. It began when some teaches, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little by little the great university we know today grew up. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the University is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed by several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a center of education and learning.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are the ones known for their specific system of education. The central University arranges lectures for all students in a particular subject and holds exams and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutoring. This system of teaching differs greatly from that of other universities. The effect of this system on the student is profound. As almost nothing is compulsory except the weekly tutorials the student must learn to discipline himself perhaps for the first time in his life.
Many famous writers and scientists were educated there.

№ 24
Oxford and Cambridge.

Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from  London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine building of grey or yellow stone and many of them have stood there for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford since the thirteenth century. It began when some teaches, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little by little the great university we know today grew up. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the University is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed by several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a center of education and learning.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are the ones known for their specific system of education. The central University arranges lectures for all students in a particular subject and holds exams and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutoring. This system of teaching differs greatly from that of other universities. The effect of this system on the student is profound. As almost nothing is compulsory except the weekly tutorials the student must learn to discipline himself perhaps for the first time in his life.
Many famous writers and scientists were educated there.

Определите, является ли утверждение:                                 
“In Oxford the average student attends 1-2 literature tutorials per week.”         
a) В тексте нет информации
b) Истинным
c) Ложным

Oxford and Cambridge.

Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from  London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine building of grey or yellow stone and many of them have stood there for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford since the thirteenth century. It began when some teaches, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little by little the great university we know today grew up. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the University is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed by several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a center of education and learning.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are the ones known for their specific system of education. The central University arranges lectures for all students in a particular subject and holds exams and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutoring. This system of teaching differs greatly from that of other universities. The effect of this system on the student is profound. As almost nothing is compulsory except the weekly tutorials the student must learn to discipline himself perhaps for the first time in his life.
Many famous writers and scientists were educated there.

Определите, является ли утверждение:
“Cambridge is at a distance of sixty miles from London.”
a) В тексте нет информации
b) Истинным
c) Ложным

Oxford and Cambridge.

Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from  London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine building of grey or yellow stone and many of them have stood there for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford since the thirteenth century. It began when some teaches, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little by little the great university we know today grew up. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the University is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed by several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a center of education and learning.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are the ones known for their specific system of education. The central University arranges lectures for all students in a particular subject and holds exams and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutoring. This system of teaching differs greatly from that of other universities. The effect of this system on the student is profound. As almost nothing is compulsory except the weekly tutorials the student must learn to discipline himself perhaps for the first time in his life.
Many famous writers and scientists were educated there.

Определите, является ли утверждение:
“Oxford colleges are made of grey and yellow stone.”
a) В тексте нет информации
b) Истинным
c) Ложным

№ 27
Oxford and Cambridge.

Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from  London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine building of grey or yellow stone and many of them have stood there for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford since the thirteenth century. It began when some teaches, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little by little the great university we know today grew up. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the University is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed by several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a center of education and learning.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are the ones known for their specific system of education. The central University arranges lectures for all students in a particular subject and holds exams and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutoring. This system of teaching differs greatly from that of other universities. The effect of this system on the student is profound. As almost nothing is compulsory except the weekly tutorials the student must learn to discipline himself perhaps for the first time in his life.
Many famous writers and scientists were educated there.

Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:
“Many years ago teachers and students lived in the same house.”

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

№ 28
Oxford and Cambridge.

Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from  London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine building of grey or yellow stone and many of them have stood there for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford since the thirteenth century. It began when some teaches, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little by little the great university we know today grew up. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the University is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed by several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a center of education and learning.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are the ones known for their specific system of education. The central University arranges lectures for all students in a particular subject and holds exams and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutoring. This system of teaching differs greatly from that of other universities. The effect of this system on the student is profound. As almost nothing is compulsory except the weekly tutorials the student must learn to discipline himself perhaps for the first time in his life.
Many famous writers and scientists were educated there.

Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:
“The central University organised lectures and exams for all students in a particular subject.”

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

Oxford and Cambridge.

Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from  London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine building of grey or yellow stone and many of them have stood there for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford since the thirteenth century. It began when some teaches, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little by little the great university we know today grew up. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the University is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed by several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a center of education and learning.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are the ones known for their specific system of education. The central University arranges lectures for all students in a particular subject and holds exams and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutoring. This system of teaching differs greatly from that of other universities. The effect of this system on the student is profound. As almost nothing is compulsory except the weekly tutorials the student must learn to discipline himself perhaps for the first time in his life.
Many famous writers and scientists were educated there.

Ответьте на вопрос:
“When was the oldest college founded in Oxford?”
Варианты ответа:

a) 1462 b) 1264
c) 1642 d) 1426

№ 30
Oxford and Cambridge.

Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from  London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine building of grey or yellow stone and many of them have stood there for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford since the thirteenth century. It began when some teaches, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little by little the great university we know today grew up. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the University is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed by several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a center of education and learning.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are the ones known for their specific system of education. The central University arranges lectures for all students in a particular subject and holds exams and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutoring. This system of teaching differs greatly from that of other universities. The effect of this system on the student is profound. As almost nothing is compulsory except the weekly tutorials the student must learn to discipline himself perhaps for the first time in his life.
Many famous writers and scientists were educated there.

Ответьте на вопрос:
“What are many Oxford colleges made of?”
Варианты ответа:

a) red brick b) grey brick
c) yellow brick d) grey and yellow stone

№ 31
Составьте 10-15 предложений на тему: «My daily programme»