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You need good ------ of English to cope with the task.


1) knowledge  2) dictionary 
3) letter 4) magazine



People engaged in business with foreign countries have to use various means of -------

1) conversation 2) comunication
3) letter 4) telex



There are two methods for measuring the temperature of -----.


1) machining 2) crystallisation
3) milling 4) setting



To increase the productivity the ------ of the new design are used.


1) machin - tools 2) technologies
3) systems 4) levers



Italian people are very kind and -----.


1) friendly 2) friend
3) friendliness 4) friendship



Whose book is this? It is ----- book.


1) my 2) mine
3) me 4) myself



This car's ------ than John's.


1) more expensive 2) the most expensive 
3) expensiver 4) the expensivest



I don't eat ----- bread because I don't like it.


1) ------  2) a
3) the 4) an



He was born ----- a small village at the beginning of the century.


1) into 2) at
3) in 4) on



Yesterday I didn't eat ------ fruit.


1) much 2) a few
3) many 4) few



His advice ------ always very useful.


1) are 2) is
3) have been 4) is being



----- no students in the room, when we came in.


1) there was 2) it was
3) it had been 4) there were



She ----- no free time when she has a baby.


1) will have 2) has
3) would have 4) have



------ takes only one hour to get from St. Petersburg to Moscow by plane.


1) it 2) there
3) this 4) one


Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Hostess: "Shall I pour you some more tea?"

Guest: ___________


1) Yes, please. That'd be fine  2) Just a taste
3) This is delicious!  4) Fantastic!


Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Secretary: "Can I take a message?"

Client: "__________"


1) Certainly. It's T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N.   2) Yes, please. Could you tell him....?
3) Yes, speaking  4) Yes, of course.


Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Student: "Where can I get the information?"

Teacher: "You should go to ________"


1) the booking office 2) the customs
3) the library 4) Internet


Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Sonya: "It's been a really useful meeting".

Anton: "__________"


1)  Yes, ok.  2) Yes, it has. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
3) I hope so too 4) You're welcome



The capital of Scotland is ------.


1) London  2) Belfast
3) Cardiff  4) Edinburgh



There are ------ stars on the US flag.


1) 50  2) 27
3) 13 4) 31



The executive branch of the government in Canada is headed by -------.

1) President  2) Queen
3) Prime Minister 4) Speaker



Who invented Sherlock Holms?

1) President  2) Queen
3) Prime Minister  4) Speaker

ЗАДАНИЕ № 23 (- выберитеодинвариантответа)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания


  1. I'm frequently asked which online service is 'best', but the answer is there is no best. Rating a particular service over another is entirely subjective. Price is important to some people, while the number of files available for download is important to others. Because of these and so many other different judgments, there can be no absolute. It all comes down to individual needs and preferences.
  2. Still, users tend to be fiercely loyal to their 'home' online services – which  is usually the first online service they ever used. They tend to judge all other online services based on this first service - often preventing themselves from seeing the advantages of a specific service. For my part, I like all the services I use and I'm on two dozen.
  3. Each offers one or more products or features that either do not exist elsewhere or are superior to the same features on other services. And I've a really subjective reason for being on one service -1 use it to send monthly articles to magazines in Japan. So, the real answer to the question is simple: the best online service is the service that has what you want and is easy for you to use. The point? Keep an open mind when checking out an online service. Judge it bases on what it offers and how it meets your needs - not in comparison to what you're used to using. (It takes a couple of sessions to shake preconceived notions of what an online service 'should be'.)
  4. Eventually, we're all going to be interlinked, no matter which service we use, in what DIALOG'S Richard Ream calls a 'network of networks'. Until then, most of us have to go to more than one service to find everything we need.

Определите, являетсялиутверждение:

Most people choose an online service because of the price or the number of available files.


  1. истинным
  2. ложным
  3. в тексте нет информации



Прочитайте текст и выполните задания


  1. I'm frequently asked which online service is 'best', but the answer is there is no best. Rating a particular service over another is entirely subjective. Price is important to some people, while the number of files available for download is important to others. Because of these and so many other different judgments, there can be no absolute. It all comes down to individual needs and preferences.
  2. Still, users tend to be fiercely loyal to their 'home' online services – which  is usually the first online service they ever used. They tend to judge all other online services based on this first service - often preventing themselves from seeing the advantages of a specific service. For my part, I like all the services I use and I'm on two dozen.
  3. Each offers one or more products or features that either do not exist elsewhere or are superior to the same features on other services. And I've a really subjective reason for being on one service -1 use it to send monthly articles to magazines in Japan. So, the real answer to the question is simple: the best online service is the service that has what you want and is easy for you to use. The point? Keep an open mind when checking out an online service. Judge it bases on what it offers and how it meets your needs - not in comparison to what you're used to using. (It takes a couple of sessions to shake preconceived notions of what an online service 'should be'.)
  4. Eventually, we're all going to be interlinked, no matter which service we use, in what DIALOG'S Richard Ream calls a 'network of networks'. Until then, most of us have to go to more than one service to find everything we need.

Определите, являетсялиутверждение:

Everybody has one service which he/she likes more than all the others.


  1. истинным
  2. ложным
  3. в тексте нет информации


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания


  1. I'm frequently asked which online service is 'best', but the answer is there is no best. Rating a particular service over another is entirely subjective. Price is important to some people, while the number of files available for download is important to others. Because of these and so many other different judgments, there can be no absolute. It all comes down to individual needs and preferences.
  2. Still, users tend to be fiercely loyal to their 'home' online services – which  is usually the first online service they ever used. They tend to judge all other online services based on this first service - often preventing themselves from seeing the advantages of a specific service. For my part, I like all the services I use and I'm on two dozen.
  3. Each offers one or more products or features that either do not exist elsewhere or are superior to the same features on other services. And I've a really subjective reason for being on one service -1 use it to send monthly articles to magazines in Japan. So, the real answer to the question is simple: the best online service is the service that has what you want and is easy for you to use. The point? Keep an open mind when checking out an online service. Judge it bases on what it offers and how it meets your needs - not in comparison to what you're used to using. (It takes a couple of sessions to shake preconceived notions of what an online service 'should be'.)
  4. Eventually, we're all going to be interlinked, no matter which service we use, in what DIALOG'S Richard Ream calls a 'network of networks'. Until then, most of us have to go to more than one service to find everything we need.

Определите, являетсялиутверждение:

You should judge each service according to whether it is better or worse overall than the service you are currently using.


  1. истинным
  2. ложным
  3. в тексте нет информации


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания


  1. I'm frequently asked which online service is 'best', but the answer is there is no best. Rating a particular service over another is entirely subjective. Price is important to some people, while the number of files available for download is important to others. Because of these and so many other different judgments, there can be no absolute. It all comes down to individual needs and preferences.
  2. Still, users tend to be fiercely loyal to their 'home' online services – which  is usually the first online service they ever used. They tend to judge all other online services based on this first service - often preventing themselves from seeing the advantages of a specific service. For my part, I like all the services I use and I'm on two dozen.
  3. Each offers one or more products or features that either do not exist elsewhere or are superior to the same features on other services. And I've a really subjective reason for being on one service -1 use it to send monthly articles to magazines in Japan. So, the real answer to the question is simple: the best online service is the service that has what you want and is easy for you to use. The point? Keep an open mind when checking out an online service. Judge it bases on what it offers and how it meets your needs - not in comparison to what you're used to using. (It takes a couple of sessions to shake preconceived notions of what an online service 'should be'.)
  4. Eventually, we're all going to be interlinked, no matter which service we use, in what DIALOG'S Richard Ream calls a 'network of networks'. Until then, most of us have to go to more than one service to find everything we need.

Определите, являетсялиутверждение:

Eventually, all services will be accessible from the service you are using.


  1. истинным
  2. ложным
  3. в тексте нет информации


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания


  1. I'm frequently asked which online service is 'best', but the answer is there is no best. Rating a particular service over another is entirely subjective. Price is important to some people, while the number of files available for download is important to others. Because of these and so many other different judgments, there can be no absolute. It all comes down to individual needs and preferences.
  2. Still, users tend to be fiercely loyal to their 'home' online services – which  is usually the first online service they ever used. They tend to judge all other online services based on this first service - often preventing themselves from seeing the advantages of a specific service. For my part, I like all the services I use and I'm on two dozen.
  3. Each offers one or more products or features that either do not exist elsewhere or are superior to the same features on other services. And I've a really subjective reason for being on one service -1 use it to send monthly articles to magazines in Japan. So, the real answer to the question is simple: the best online service is the service that has what you want and is easy for you to use. The point? Keep an open mind when checking out an online service. Judge it bases on what it offers and how it meets your needs - not in comparison to what you're used to using. (It takes a couple of sessions to shake preconceived notions of what an online service 'should be'.)
  4. Eventually, we're all going to be interlinked, no matter which service we use, in what DIALOG'S Richard Ream calls a 'network of networks'. Until then, most of us have to go to more than one service to find everything we need.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая информация:

Most users have their own favourite online service, but this can prevent them from seeing the advantages of other services.


1) 1 2) 2
3) 3 4) 4



Прочитайте текст и выполните задания


  1. I'm frequently asked which online service is 'best', but the answer is there is no best. Rating a particular service over another is entirely subjective. Price is important to some people, while the number of files available for download is important to others. Because of these and so many other different judgments, there can be no absolute. It all comes down to individual needs and preferences.
  2. Still, users tend to be fiercely loyal to their 'home' online services – which  is usually the first online service they ever used. They tend to judge all other online services based on this first service - often preventing themselves from seeing the advantages of a specific service. For my part, I like all the services I use and I'm on two dozen.
  3. Each offers one or more products or features that either do not exist elsewhere or are superior to the same features on other services. And I've a really subjective reason for being on one service -1 use it to send monthly articles to magazines in Japan. So, the real answer to the question is simple: the best online service is the service that has what you want and is easy for you to use. The point? Keep an open mind when checking out an online service. Judge it bases on what it offers and how it meets your needs - not in comparison to what you're used to using. (It takes a couple of sessions to shake preconceived notions of what an online service 'should be'.)
  4. Eventually, we're all going to be interlinked, no matter which service we use, in what DIALOG'S Richard Ream calls a 'network of networks'. Until then, most of us have to go to more than one service to find everything we need.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая информация:


1) 1 2) 2
3) 3 4) 4


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания


  1. I'm frequently asked which online service is 'best', but the answer is there is no best. Rating a particular service over another is entirely subjective. Price is important to some people, while the number of files available for download is important to others. Because of these and so many other different judgments, there can be no absolute. It all comes down to individual needs and preferences.
  2. Still, users tend to be fiercely loyal to their 'home' online services – which  is usually the first online service they ever used. They tend to judge all other online services based on this first service - often preventing themselves from seeing the advantages of a specific service. For my part, I like all the services I use and I'm on two dozen.
  3. Each offers one or more products or features that either do not exist elsewhere or are superior to the same features on other services. And I've a really subjective reason for being on one service -1 use it to send monthly articles to magazines in Japan. So, the real answer to the question is simple: the best online service is the service that has what you want and is easy for you to use. The point? Keep an open mind when checking out an online service. Judge it bases on what it offers and how it meets your needs - not in comparison to what you're used to using. (It takes a couple of sessions to shake preconceived notions of what an online service 'should be'.)
  4. Eventually, we're all going to be interlinked, no matter which service we use, in what DIALOG'S Richard Ream calls a 'network of networks'. Until then, most of us have to go to more than one service to find everything we need.


What is the best online service?


1) It has what you want

2) It’s easy for you to use

3) It is cheap

4) It has what you want and is easy for you to use



Прочитайте текст и выполните задания


  1. I'm frequently asked which online service is 'best', but the answer is there is no best. Rating a particular service over another is entirely subjective. Price is important to some people, while the number of files available for download is important to others. Because of these and so many other different judgments, there can be no absolute. It all comes down to individual needs and preferences.
  2. Still, users tend to be fiercely loyal to their 'home' online services – which  is usually the first online service they ever used. They tend to judge all other online services based on this first service - often preventing themselves from seeing the advantages of a specific service. For my part, I like all the services I use and I'm on two dozen.
  3. Each offers one or more products or features that either do not exist elsewhere or are superior to the same features on other services. And I've a really subjective reason for being on one service -1 use it to send monthly articles to magazines in Japan. So, the real answer to the question is simple: the best online service is the service that has what you want and is easy for you to use. The point? Keep an open mind when checking out an online service. Judge it bases on what it offers and how it meets your needs - not in comparison to what you're used to using. (It takes a couple of sessions to shake preconceived notions of what an online service 'should be'.)
  4. Eventually, we're all going to be interlinked, no matter which service we use, in what DIALOG'S Richard Ream calls a 'network of networks'. Until then, most of us have to go to more than one service to find everything we need.

Определите основную идею текста


  1. There is no best online service.
  2. The most expensive online service is the hest.
  3. The easiest online service is the best.
  4. You should judge it bases on what it offers and how it meets your needs.


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