Translate the following words Into Russian, use them in your rendering of the text;
Labour consuming, compose up to, labour input, reduce, foresee production, prqfiled bar, rough surfaces, to facilitate, composite constructions, on-pass machining, obtaining, roughness of machined surfaces, going out of machined tool, sufficient, one installation, to impart, matching, spacing, to avoid, joint machining, breaking down, continuity, production flow, inter-changeability, hampering, cutting tools, individual and small-lot production, shock-free work, unload, reamers, multiflute drills, one-sided pressure, promoting, at the expense of, fibre, key slots, splines, stress, concentrators, strong concentrators, replaced, moderately acting ones, taken away, the zones of the least stress, in order to reduce nominal stresses, fillets, lowered, reduction, increase, cyclic loads, re-entering, angles, key, spline, and, gear transmissions, mechanical properties, heat treatment, thermal deformations, .compensated, by means of tolerances, adaptability, play role.
Find corresponding English equivalents for the following words :
Технологические процессы, трудоемкость, черновая поверхность, профильный, сортовой, прокат, производительные методы, составные конструкции, установка, многолезвийный инструмент, жесткость, термообработка, шпоночные, лицевые, передача, мерительный инструмент, механическая обработка, концентратор, умеренный, термообработка, тепловые деформации, компенсация, технологичность, заготовки, окончательное изделие, трудоемкие детали, составные конструкции, обработка напрокат, высокая точность, шероховатость поверхностей, обработка на проход, выход инструмента на расстояние, режущий инструмент, станок, многократный, массовый, комбинированный инструмент, соосные и параллельные отверстия, межцентровой, степень точности, предусматривать, колебание размеров заготовки, обработка деталей, производительный поток, нарушать, снижать, затруднять эксплуатацию, унификация размеров, сводить к минимуму, многолезвийные инструменты, сверла, развертки, зенкеры, одностороннее давление, волокна материалов, шпоночные пазы, шлицы, зоны напряжений, гантели, зубчатые передачи, виды термообработки, технологичность и прочность.
Questions to the text and subjects for discussion :
l.What do you know about machining?
2.Why are technological processes labour consuming and expensive?
3.Why must machined surfaces be reduced to the required level?
4.Why must the amount of the removed metal be maximally reduced?
5.What are the most effective methods of machining?
6.Why must details from castings have the form of the final product?
7.What is the application of composite constructions?
8.What is the main condition of labour productivity increase?
9.1n what case is the going out of a machined tool for a distance sufficient for obtaining accurate surfaces provided?
lO.What way is the'convenient coming up of a cutting instrument to machined surfaces provided?
11.What can one and the same tool do on one machine tool and in one operation?
12.When is a combined tool applied?
13.What helps to obtain alignment and required accuracy of spacing between centers?
14.Why does the strict separation of surfaces machined at different operations take place?
15.Why must there be distance between machined and non-
machined surfaces?
16.Why should joint machining in assemby be avoided? What re
duces interchangeability of details in operation?
17.Why is unification of sizes and shapes of machined elements
18.What does the uniform and shock-free work of a cutting tool de
pend on?
19.What multiblade tools do you know? And how to prevent one
sided pressure?
20.What will high and uniform rigidity of machined sections provide?
21.What factors does the strength of details depend on?
22.Speak about stress concentrators and zones of least stresses!
23.When, where and why are fillets introduced?
24.What do you know about heat treatment and Its influence on
machined details?
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