2.7.3.Designing of Details, Produced
by Plastic Metal Working.

Details, produced by this method are close to casting according to their cost. Final configuration of detail is obtained after yield point of material is exceeded, and this fact must be taken into account. That's why a proper choice of casting material is of vital importance.

There are many ways of producing details by pressure metal working. The most widely spread of them are: forging, hot and cold stamping and bending. Such kinds of pressure metal working as deep drawing, extrusion, rotational extrusion, spinning, explosive forming are widely spread too. Details, produced by different ways, possess some common properties, which should be taken into account during designing:

During designing details, produced by plastic metal working, the demands, determined by peculiarities of separate operations of a given technological process, are to be taken into account. First of all, these are the properties of material itself: ductility, malleability, grain flow; then peculiarities of tool: parting planes of a die, sizes and position of machined surfaces, convenience of fitting. It is advisable to lower volume of finishing operations.

Allowance of produced details depend upon kind of plastic metal working. Choosing material and determining shape of detail and kind of plastic metal working after its production should be taken into account.

Translate the following words into Russian;

Metal working, castings, final configuration, take into account, of vital importance, forging, hot and cold stamping, bending, deep drawing, extrusion, spinning, explosive, flattening structure, caked, ductility, experience, internal stresses, load, ahoy, non-ferrous, malleable and high-alloy, cast iron, rows allowances, molten, chill casting, sand cores, indicated, denominator, value, with regard for, Hue to, a grain, internal, upset, stretched, intermediate, forms, hot stamping, peculiarities, to upset, malleability, grain flow, parting planes of a due sizes and position of machined surfaces, convenience of fitting, allowance, depend upon.

Give English equivalents for:

Отливки, предел текучести, штамповка, гибка, глубокая вытяжка, инструкция, ротационное выдавливание, ковка, обтачивание, штамповка взрывом, расплющивание зерна, прочность, вязкость, заготовки свинца, параллельно, осаживать, растягивать, промежуточная форма, ковкость, текучесть, разъем, крепление, изготовление.

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